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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? July 2019

    Integrated Ecommerce Refunds 

    We've integrated PayPal and card refunds into the POS, so eCommerce orders can be refunded without visiting the PayPal or SagePay user interface, greatly increasing the efficiency of refunding eCommerce orders. This will be on a staged rollout. 

    Licensed Item Sales 

    We’ve added a configuration option to items, which allows for Licensed information – Batch Number & Expiry Date - to be added against the item when selling it in the POS. This is particularly useful when selling a medical item, where this information must be recorded.

    More information is available here - Licensed Items // Setup and Use

    Saving Return Items on Orders 

    Return items (refunds) can now be saved against work orders, allowing exchanges to be processed in the POS, to be picked & despatched at a later date. 

    Offline POS 

    A lifesaver if you have an internet outage – you can still create transactions which then post into Cloud POS once you’re reconnected, keeping your stock levels in line. 

    More information is available here - Citrus-Lime // Offline POS

    Ecommerce Despatch Dates 

    The despatch date shown to your customer whilst placing an eCommerce order will now be shown in Cloud POS against the Due Date field. This includes SIM & time to prepare for shipping (PDI time delays). 

    Ecommerce Listing Status 

    On the item card in Cloud POS, you’ll be able to see the status of the product on your eCommerce site. This will allow you to see if the item is active, and the associated image and long description. 

    More information can be found in this article - Product Management // eCommerce Item Status Visible in Backoffice

    Mandatory Sales Reps 

    We’ve added the ability to enforce a Sales Rep to be set in POS when completing sales. This can be turned on or off per register. 

    More information can be found in this article - POS // Switch on Mandatory Sales Rep on Every Transaction

    Back-Office General

    New Feature Developments

    • The stock in transit link in the Stock Enquiry popup now filters the Stock In Transit report in Cloud Reports by the specific item.
    • Time has been added to the Date Created (placed) field on the customer orders grid in the Backoffice.

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where the Stock Enquiry popup showed an error (due to items being on a Transfer to Supplier) has been resolved.
    • An issue where creating multiple Sales Reps before saving caused duplicate numbers has been fixed.
    • Duplicate Reason codes (by type and name) can no longer be created.
    • Tax Rate percentages (%) can no longer be edited once the tax rate has been created. More information can be found in this article - Adjusting or Deleting a Tax Rate
    • An error when editing Custom Numbers against a supplier record has been resolved.
    • An issue where some fields weren't saved when creating a new supplier record has been fixed.
    • A bug where the same Display Order could be set against multiple Tender types has been fixed.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • Sorting on the Warehouse grid on the Stock Enquiry popup now works.
    • When filtering on a grid, the page number will be reset to the first page of the results.
    • We've removed the option to change the page size on the Add Item control - due to larger page sizes not fitting for most screen resolutions.
    • When using the Sales Rep grid in Backoffice, this now sorts by Sales Rep number correctly.
    • The load time on the Offline Inventory page has been improved.
    • You can now filter by the MSRP field in the SIM basket. More information on this can be found in this article - Filter by MSRP when Importing Products using SIM
    • Validation against the email address for supplier records has been added.

    Back-Office Customer Functionality

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where the colour coding on the Customer Order Stock Detail grid did not display correctly for items on multiple orders has been fixed.
    • An issue where moving between the tabs on a customer record caused the page to become unresponsive has been fixed.
    • A bug where multiple account types could have the same description has been resolved.

    UI/UX Improvements


    Bug Fixes

    • Sale Start dates are now respected by the eCommerce link.
    • An issue where the Cost price was not being updated for matrix items has been fixed - More information can be found in this article - Cloud POS // How Cost Prices Work with your eCommerce Site
    • A bug where the HQ stock lead time was being overwritten to zero has been fixed.
    • A bug where the lead time description for SIM items was not being updated correctly has now been fixed.
    • An issue where marketplace pricing was not being updated has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • A bug in Customer Import, whereby clicking into the grid caused an error message has been fixed.

    Item Creation Including Matrix Items

    New Feature Developments

    • Visibility of child items active/inactive status has been added to the component grid view on Matrix item pages (available through Select Columns). More information on this can be found in this article - Making Items within a Matrix Active/Inactive
    • Price change dates have been added to the Price Enquiry popup. More information on this can be found in this article - Item Prices // Looking at when Item Prices were Changed
    • The Last Counted date has been added to the Inventory grid on the item card.
    • Item Quick Search has been added to the matrix parent and assembly item pages.
    • The Tab key can now be used to select options in the Dept/Cat, Brand & Season drop-downs on the item card.

    Bug Fixes

    • An issue where the Tax Rate against a matrix parent was overwriting those set on the child items has been resolved.
    • A bug where a slow internet speed caused incorrect values in the Dept/Cat, Brand & Season drop-downs on the item card has been fixed.
    • A bug where entering an ItemLookupCode above the maximum character limit when copying an item caused an error has been fixed.
    • A bug where moving matrix attributes (up/down) caused an error has been fixed.
    • A bug where matrix attributes could not be moved (up/down) across multiple pages has been fixed.
    • Assembly items are no longer available in the Add Items control when adding items to an assembly item.


    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where the incorrect number of orders was being added to the current pick when a filter was applied has been fixed.
    • An issue where removing an item from the printed pick caused a filter for Batch Number to be applied has been fixed.


    New Feature Developments

    • We've added an additional option for setting the Gender against a customer record of "None Set" 
    • We've added a new button in the Actions menu to remove all lines from an order (effectively cancelling it).
    • Deposits against orders can now be refunded at any point (previously this could only be done when picking up the order).
    • The shipment value when creating courier labels is now editable to control services available to book.
    • Return reason codes can now be saved against work orders.
    • Posting sales for Tax-Exempt customers now uses a default tax rate for zero-rated sales - this can be set in the configuration page.
    • Negative prices can no longer be entered against lines on a transaction/order (only negative quantities are now allowed).
    • Vouchers purchased/received now show on the Money In/Out sections on the X/Z Reports.

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where transactions failed to complete if a receipt couldn't be printed to the Cloud Printer has been resolved.
    • An issue where setting a customer on a transaction reset all discounts/prices which had already been set has been fixed.
    • A bug where the preview of some courier labels did not display once the label had been created has been fixed.
    • An issue where some error messages did not clear on the print courier label popup has been resolved.
    • A bug where the Company name was not being populated from a postcode lookup when creating a delivery address against a customer has been fixed.
    • A bug where the option to open the full customer search when using the Type2Search for customers only showed when the list was exactly 10 has been fixed.
    • A bug where returning an inactive item using the scan to return functionality did not work has been resolved.
    • An issue where the stock notification dialog was showing for items where the On-Hand quantity was sufficient has been fixed.
    • A bug where over-tendering a transaction (i.e. giving change in cash) before performing a Pay Out was showing Change Due has been resolved.
    • A bug where scanning to recall an order showed no orders if there was a matching ItemLookupCode (with no orders against that item) has been fixed.
    • An issue when tendering zero value items against an order with a deposit caused an error has been resolved.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • We've improved the timing on the Type2Search (item and customer) - so the search is only fired once you've finished typing.
    • The speed of the Recall Orders grid has been improved.
    • The feedback when creating a delivery address from the main customer address has been improved.
    • You can now see the Sales Rep which has been set against an entire transaction/order at the top of the screen.
    • When using Quick Switch the cursor now focuses on the username field.
    • Comments from the original transaction are now retained when returning a transaction.

    Purchase Orders / Transfers

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where requirements for items (with min/max levels set) was being triggered when items were received against Purchase Orders, but not yet committed has been fixed.
    • An issue where MPQ items were being added at the wrong quantity when creating a Purchase Order based on reorder levels has been fixed.
    • An issue where MPQ items uploaded using the import from CSV option did not import at the correct quantity has been resolved.
    • A bug where when creating a courier label for a transfer, the shipment was not showing against the daily manifest has been fixed.
    • A bug where Customer Orders were not showing in the popup for Transfers has been fixed.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • We've altered the wording on the A4 Purchase Order print to make quantities against MPQ items easier to understand.
    • We've added a prompt to save changes in a Purchase Order, before emailing the Purchase Order to the supplier.
    • We've changed the styling so it's easier to read lines on closed Purchase Orders/Transfer.
    • Supplier part code (reorder number) has been added to the Add Items popup.
    • Non-Inventory items are no longer available to add to a Purchase Order when using the Add Items popup.
    • We've changed the styling so it's easier to see the Placed tick-box in the purchase orders grid.
    • We've added Expected/Received quantities against all Purchase Orders and Transfers in the Stock Enquiry popup.
    • We've added a warning when attempting to commit zero quantities on Transfers.


    New Feature Developments

    • The customer email address has been added to the A4 receipts.

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where the Gift Voucher code wasn't showing on A4 receipts has now been resolved.
    • A bug where clicking to reprint a receipt against an empty batch in the receipt journal caused an error has been fixed.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • The speed of the page load for Viewing All Entries in the receipt journal has been improved.

    Stock Take

    New Feature Developments

    Bug Fixes

    • An issue where the "Hide items with no discrepancies" checkbox wasn't respected when paging has been fixed.
    • A bug where the stock take summary showed NaN% for some lines has been fixed.


    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where using the Update from SIM option in the Revalue Cost Wizard for multiple stores caused an error has been fixed.
    • An issue where the select items for a wizard page always showed "SIM Update Wizard" has been resolved.
    • A bug where the Price Wizard caused Price D and E to be set the wrong way has been fixed.

    UI/UX Improvements


    Bug Fixes

    • A bug where using the quick scan to add items to a workshop job was not respecting sale prices set against the item has been fixed.
    • Duplicate mechanic records can no longer be created.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • The list of Unscheduled jobs is now listed in date order.

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