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    New to Cloud POS? Start here...

    Firstly, thank you for choosing Citrus-Lime's End-to-End cloud retail solution.

    If this is your first experience with a cloud retail platform, or you're moving to Cloud POS from a different platform, the prospect of getting to grips with a new system can seem daunting.

    We've put together a series of How-To articles that will help you understand the basic setup processes and functions in Cloud POS.

    Following these guides will make the journey, from logging into Cloud POS for the first time, to selling your first item through the Point of Sale, as easy as possible.

    We have arranged the articles to focus on particular sections of Cloud POS, and recommend you follow these in the order we've suggested below.

    1)  Backoffice

    Setting up your Cloud POS group to suit your business needs will give you the basis you'll need to get ready to trade.  We go through five sections that each focus on a different aspect of the backoffice setup process.

    2)  POS

    We look at the basic steps involved in using the Point Of Sale (POS) to process transactions.

    3)  Supplier Integration Module (SIM)

    Speed up all of the processes that require the use of supplier information.  Learn how to import product data into Cloud POS and use the functionality to keep this information up to date.

    4)  Workshop Module

    Organise and manage the flow of Workshop Jobs passing through the business, allowing mechanics to make the most efficient use of their time.

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