Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    Citrus-Lime Feedback Forum Etiquette

    • The Citrus-Lime Feedback system exists so we can assess which developments are popular across our valued customer base. Along with our customer-driven developments, we also undertake many internal developments aimed at ensuring that your End-to-End retail solution remains future-proofed and able to scale with your continued growth;  
    • Do hold in mind that what is relevant to you might not be important to others in the Citrus-Lime community. Please do allow the Feedback system to do its job as an open forum for you and other Citrus-Lime customers to contribute suggestions that help us to understand what are issues shared by many;  
    • Whilst we are delighted to have such a passionate and engaged user base, we must ask that your comments are kept within the spirit that the Feedback Forum was envisaged. We must insist that your comments are constructive and polite at all times;  
    • We did not (and do not) envisage this forum as an appropriate format to express frustrations with software or service and it will not motivate the development team to take up your cause. All posts are read directly by the Citrus-Lime Development Team. They, just like you, work hard to ensure that your experience is a positive one; 
    • Any posts which do not meet with what we should be able to agree (without outlining specifics) are respecting etiquette will be deleted without notice. We have more appropriate channels for understanding the frustrations you may be experiencing than what is essentially a Development Suggestion Board. We encourage you to approach us directly should you feel that our product or service is falling short of your expectations.

    We look forward to hearing your suggestions on the Citrus-Lime Feedback Boards.

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