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    How do I adjust or delete a Tax Rate?

    In the event that you would need to adjust a tax rate (for example, if the VAT rate changes), the following steps describe how to do so:

    1)  Firstly, all batches need to be closed across each register within your Cloud POS group.

    2)  From the menu in Cloud POS backoffice, go to Setup and then click Tax Rates:

    3)  You'll now see a page with two sections; Create New or View and Edit Tax Rates, and Tax Components:

    The uppermost section are the tax rates that you assign to items in your database.  The Tax Components are used to build the tax rates.

    For most UK retailers, it's unlikely you'll need to amend the tax rates unless there is a change in the VAT rate.  However, Tax Components allow retailers in other regions the option to create tax rates comprised of multiple tax elements. 

    4)  To edit a Tax Rate, firstly locate the Tax Component you need to change and click Edit.  In the example below, we are changing the T1 - VAT 20% component:

    5)  Here we have changed the Component % and Description to reflect a change in the VAT rate:

    6)  After clicking Update to save these changes, the Tax Rate will automatically update with the new value.

    7)  The next step is to update the Description of the main Tax Rate.  Click View / Edit next to the corresponding Tax Rate:

    8) Amend the Tax Rate Description accordingly and click Update Tax Rate:

    9)  We have now successfully updated both the percentage and description of the Tax Rate:

    Be aware that you cannot delete a Tax Rate if it has been used in a batch, or there are items in your database using this Tax Rate.  In the case of the latter, you would need to identify any items using the Tax Rate and change to a different Tax Rate, which you can do using the functions available in the Modify Supplier Information Wizard.

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