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    Step 2 // Setting up the Workshop Module

    In order to make the best use of the Workshop Module, there are some setup tasks to carry out in Cloud POS backoffice and the Workshop Module itself.

    By doing this, it will enable your workshop to function in an organised and efficient manner, leading to higher level of customer satisfaction and greater profitability.

    Creating Mechanics

    Setting up users as mechanics ensures that work can be assigned accurately, and staff know who is doing each job in the workshop calendar.

    Setting up items for the Workshop Module

    Optimise your system to make creating workshop jobs easier, and help increase productivity as a result.

    Setting the working hours for the Workshop

    Make sure you don't under- or over-book in work by setting up accurate working hours.

    Adding holidays to the Workshop calendar

    Help to avoid booking in work for mechanics when they are not available.

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