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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? October 2016

    This month the we have made significant improvement's to the look and feel of Citrus Lime POS Back Office. This includes improvements to the Back Office menu and the majority of Back office screens, making Citrus Lime POS easier to navigate and use. In addition we have completed testing of the workshop module which today has been released. If you have already signed up you will be contacted shortly to arrange training, if you haven't and you'd like to know more please contact

    The following fixes and developments have also been included in this release. If you have any questions on the functionality listed in here, or need further assistance, please let us know on (01229) 588628 or


    Project Area Description Type
    POINT OF SALE A4 receipt now displays the deposit amount applied to the transaction when completing an order Enhancement
    POINT OF SALE When returning a transaction that was originally discounted, a discount code is no longer required Bug
    POINT OF SALE A4 print pop up prevented user from using any other screens until print screen was closed. This has been changed so that the print preview does not auto open to prevent this issue. Right click and print or CTRL + P will allow the user to print an A4 receipt Bug
    POINT OF SALE Deposit and remaining balance values on 40 column receipt print were running off the paper on some transactions. This has been re aligned to prevent this from happening. Bug
    POINT OF SALE Sales rep's can now be cleared from a transaction once added Bug
    POINT OF SALE Price levels B - E now feed through to POS correctly  Bug
    BACK OFFICE Customer order detail screen has been added to back office under the 'customer, receipts and order' menu. This allows all customer orders with a line to detail each item on the order New development
    BACK OFFICE Serial number section within the item card can now only be seen when an item has been set to serialised Enhancement
    BACK OFFICE Journal date filters have been removed from the view receipt screen as this screen allows the user to scroll through the whole batch  Bug
    BACK OFFICE Price change wizards have been developed allowing bulk changes to item prices including sale prices New development
    BACK OFFICE CUSTOMER Bug preventing account adjustment feature to save within back office customer screen has been resolved Bug
    BACK OFFICE CUSTOMER Customer search grid now shows Total Sales, Last Visit date and Total Visits column Enhancement
    BACK OFFICE CUSTOMER When recalling a receipt from the customer purchase history screen, the receipt load time has been significantly reduced.  Enhancement
    INTER STORE TRANSFERS Completion of implementation of inter store transfers New development
    ITEM CREATION When creating a new item the item type field on the item card is now populated correctly Bug
    ITEM CREATION Item Lookup Code field no longer blocks the use of ;:,./\ characters. This is in line with the SIM module which allows these characters. Bug
    ITEM CREATION Department and category 'NONE,NONE' has been removed. This will help improve data quality and reporting Bug
    ITEM CREATION Within assembly items, unticking 'use customised pricing' now clears any value entered into the value field Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Purchase orderes can now be viewed after being committed. All functions other than print will be removed when viewing a completed order New development
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Changing the MSRP field within a purchase order now updated the field within the item card and displays when the purchase order is recalled. Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Purchase order edit screen has been updated to remove unused fields and autopopulate value fields from other areas of the order Enhancement
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Purchase order based in re order information was adding items to the order when the qty in stock dropped below the re order number. This has been fixed to order on the reorder QTY.  Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Purchase order screen shows only open orders when first loaded. A line of text has been added to explain this. Enhancement
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Date entry fields on purchase order creation now only show when you select the relevant options to avoid confusion Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Decimal quantities can no longer be entered into the 'on this PO' field Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Last Sold and Last Received dates can no longer be changed on the purchase order screen Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS When creating a purchase order selecting sold by dates changed the order creation type back to create by reorder info. This has been resolved. Bug
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Purchase order remark field has been increased to allow 255 characters Enhancement
    PURCHASE ORDER SCREENS Improved syock lookup function within purchase orders Enhancement
    WORKSHOP Workshop testing is now complete and is it is now available for those who have / wish to purchase it. New development

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