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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? April 2019

    New DLL's will be deployed across the eCommerce platform this month. The following is a list of features and fixes you can expect to see with this update.

    New Features

    • Apple Pay - Customers will be able to use Apple Pay for online purchases. Currently, this is restricted to Beta testing customers. However, you can speak with the Account Management Team if you would like further information.
    • Optimise F&F Javascript Loading - Reduce node (html element) count on page to improve the page speed and browser performance. This will have a natural and slight SEO improvement since Google favours "lighter weight" pages

    UI/UX Improvements

    • Mini Basket // Currency Symbol - The Mini-Basket was showing the £ symbol, regardless of which is currency being used throughout the site. This has now been corrected
    • Modular Sites // Shopping Cart Promotional Code Field - Display improvements made when viewing on a mobile
    • Modular Sites // Mailing List Sign Up Feature - When submitting an email address using the mailing list sign up feature (located in the footer), no message was given to the customer to confirm the success of their submission. This has now been put in place; the customer is presented with confirmation message - has been added!
    • Modular Sites // Display Issue on Product Pages when using IE - Description area overlapping on IE-driven browsers and non-CSS Grid supporting devices/browsers. This has been improved. See this article for further reading about Modular eCommerce Browser Support
    • Modular Sites // When using IE, no loading visuals present when using the Add to Basket feature - Corrected
    • Internationalise New Checkout // Auto-populated fields in Delivery & Billing Address will default to correct Country:- 
      • Delivery & Billing Address will automatically default to either Ireland or United Kingdom, as per site settings
      • Postcode Field has been renamed Postal Code
      • Changes have been made to the Postal Code field character count so that it allows both GBR & EUR postal codes

    Bug Fixes

    • Starbuys // Customer not being directed to the Starbuys Promotion page during checkout - This has been fixed
    • Checkout // Cannot use Gift Voucher to pay for the full value of the web order - We have fixed a bug that prevented the customer from using a Gift Voucher to pay for the full value of the web order
    • Google Analytics // Order Not Posting to Google Analytics - This has been fixed
    • Shopping Cart // Notes in Shopping Cart written in GBP, regardless of the currency used throughout the site - Within the currency section on /shoppingcart.aspx, the text reading "All transactions are completed in GBP" was hard-coded. This has been changed so that the wording corresponds with the currency being used throughout the site

    • Mini Basket // Not Able to Remove Items from the Mini Basket - After adding an item to the basket and moving to /shoppingcart.aspx, if you then opened the mini-basket again (while on the Shopping Cart page), you were not able to remove items from basket. This has been corrected
    • Shopping Cart // Checkout with PayPal - The AJAX loaded PayPal button that was found on /shoppingcart.aspx should not display when the site is running the old checkout. Instead, if available, PayPal should only be selectable from /ssl/selectmethod.aspx
    • Shopping Cart // Display Issue when using a Mobile - We have fixed a bug that was clipping elements on /shoppingcart.aspx and causing a display issue when viewing on a mobile
    • Shopping Cart // Gift Voucher and Customer Rewards Fields - When the site is running the new Checkout, the Customer Rewards and Gift Voucher panels (shown in the image below) should not display on /shoppingcart.aspx. Both of these features are located further down the checkout workflow

    • Shopping Cart // Internationalise Shipping Message - When the items in the basket are all local stock (immediately available) and have no shipping restrictions imposed, the Shopping Basket presented a message that is UK-centric. This has now been changed as follows:

    • International Currency Support // Pricing reverting from EUR to GBP when using Colour Picker -  We have fixed a bug that was reverting the displayed pricing from EUR to GBP when using Colour Picker on a Product Detail page. See example below:

    • Checkout (New) // Finance Offered to Non-GB Customers - We have changed the checkout so that Finance is no longer offered if the customer is located outside of GBR
    • Google Analytics // Order Not Posting to Google Analytics - This has been fixed
    • Find & Filter/ Product Detail Page // Attempting to Log Out while in FAF Results or Product Detail Page Produces a Customer Facing Error - If the customer attempted to log out of their customer account while in a Find & Filter results Page or a product detail page, a customer facing error would appear. This has now been fixed so that if this action is attempted on either page the customer is redirected to the Home page
    • Find & Filter // Display Issues when viewing on iPad in Landscape - We have fixed a bug that was causing filters to be hidden/revealed incorrectly when viewing the site on certain iPads (not iPad Mini) in landscape
    • Modular Sites // Cart items in header inconsistent across multiple pages/tabs - After adding an item to the basket, browse another previously visited (and subsequently cached) page - the cart does not update to display the most current quantity of items. This has been corrected
    • Modular Sites // When using a tablet the sub-nav option unintentionally closes on click, when it should open - When using a tablet, if the user clicks on a sub-menu option which is expandable, this results in the entire menu closing. This has been fixed
    • Modular Sites // Location of the Short Description on the Product Detail page - The location of the short description on the Product Detail was visually incorrect. This has been restyled
    • Modular Sites // Finance Slider trying to initialise on non-finance "misc" pages - This has been corrected
    • Modular Sites // iOS > Find & Filter back button support - When navigating from a Find & Filter to a product detail page on an iPhone, then navigating back to the F&F page using browser arrows, the products on the F&F page aren’t displayed. To get the products to load, you need to refresh the browser, then the products load. This has been corrected
    • Modular Sites // Sitemap Styling - The Sitemap on Modular sites has been restyled
    • Find & Filter // "No Results" Messaging does not show - When a set of facets produces no results, no message is appearing confirming this to the customer. The user will now see a "No Results" message
    • Modular Sites // Social Media icons located in the footer are stretched, resulting in pixelation - This has been fixed
    • Modular Sites // Display issues with the call to action grid, located on the Home page, when using an iPad - This has been fixed
    • Modular Sites // Search & Mini Basket do not close - When either of the Search or Mini-Basket header features are "open", they should close when another header feature is selected e.g opening a navigation option. This has been completed

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