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    Citrus-Lime Cloud POS - Service Level Agreement

    Citrus-Lime Cloud POS
    Service Level Agreement

    Version 2.2 - June 2021

    This Citrus-Lime Limited Service Level Agreement ("SLA") between Citrus-Lime Limited, Inc. ("Citrus-Lime Limited", "us" or "we") and users of the Citrus-Lime Limited Services ("you") governs the use of the Citrus-Lime Limited Services under the provisions of the Citrus-Lime Limited Terms of Service (the "Terms").

    Unless otherwise provided herein, this SLA is subject to the provisions of the Terms.

    1. Citrus-Lime Limited Cloud POS Commitment: 99.9% Uptime

    Citrus-Lime Limited will use commercially reasonable efforts to make your Citrus-Lime Limited Cloud POS Services running in Dedicated Environments available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9% during any monthly billing cycle (the "Service Commitment"). Subject to the SLA Exclusions.

    2. Definitions

    "Maintenance" means scheduled Unavailability of the Cloud POS Services, as announced by us prior to the Cloud POS Services becoming unavailable.

    "Monthly Uptime Percentage" is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of minutes during the month in which the Citrus-Lime Limited Cloud POS Services were Unavailable. Monthly Uptime Percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from any SLA Exclusion.

    "Unavailable" and "Unavailability" mean, for app services and databases, when your service is not running or not reachable due to Citrus-Lime Limited's fault. 

    3. SLA Exclusions

    Caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force majeure event, Internet access, or problems beyond the demarcation point of the Citrus-Lime Limited network;

    That results from any actions or inactions of you or any third party;

    That results from the equipment, software or other technology of you or any third party (other than third party equipment within our direct control);

    That results from failures of Citrus-Lime Limited Cloud POS Services not attributable to Unavailability; or
     that results from any planned Maintenance.

    4. Response Times

    The supplier will provide a 1 hour response time to critical hosting and hardware issues. A critical issue would be interruption which completely prevents sales being completed through any of our platforms which we provide to the customer;

    Citrus-Lime will provide reasonable advanced warning of major updates and upgrades;

    In the event of a complete failure of Citrus-Lime’s primary hardware, we are able to fail Cloud POS onto our secondary platform in less than one hour. 

    In the event of a complete failure of Citrus-Lime’s primary hosting provider, we are able to fail Cloud POS hosting over onto our secondary datacentre in less than two hours (s), this will provide the ability to process standard transactions through the platform. The commercial arrangements with third-party hosting platforms are maintained and will continue to be maintained in readiness for this requirement.


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