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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? August 2016

    Our development team have been working hard to fix any issues you have reported to us and make some general improvement to the POS and Back office. He’s the latest list of what has been done.


    · Back Button Handling – You can new use the browser back button when navigating around back office

    · Returning Serial numbers – Fix put in place to allow serialised items to be returned

    · Item price increases are no longer included in the discount calculator, allowing ‘enter price at POS’ items to be sold without effecting the discount calculator.

    · Bug where changes to the price of recalled back orders did not calculated correctly when tendering has been resolved.

    · Assigning a sales rep for the whole transaction now assigns the rep to any further items added to that transaction

    · The opened and closed fields within a stock take can no longer be edited

    · Stock takes will now accept any alias associated with an item when scanning in the quick scan field

    · Within the stock take entry screen the main page save button will now save any changes within count grid and anywhere else on the page

    · Issues preventing Trek SIM import have been resolved

    · When importing items to SIM there is now a screen displaying pending imports. This works in the background allowing you to continue working whilst SIM imports. You will be given a link to this screen when you have started an import.

    · Calculation issues with pricing, quantity and tax have been resolved on the purchase order screen which were being caused by invalid characters being allowed into the number fields.

    · Bug allowing purchase order screen to freeze when all required fields had not been populated has been resolved.

    · Bug preventing you from clicking on the batch number within the PO list grid has been resolved

    · Departments and categories are now pulling through to cloud reports for all items and transactions

    · Further improvements have been made to the Citrus-Lime monitoring tools

    · Supplied item list in the supplier detail card has been improved to significantly improve the speed at which the list is populated

    · Purchase orders can now be deleted if not required or created in error

    · Purchase Order batch number has now been added to the edit screen so I can be seen whilst the order is open.

    · Bug fixed where the reprint receipt button was not printing the correct receipt

    · Currency Symbol has been removed from barcode labels

    · Bug where Matrix item save loading spinner remained on the page after the save had completed has been resolved

    · Bug where gender cannot be added to the item until the item has saved first has been resolved.

    · Items lookup code is now limited correctly during item creation

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