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    Managing Cashiers // Security Levels Explained

    Security levels - Who can access what in Citrus-Lime Cloud POS

    There are five security levels in Cloud POS. These are pre-set and cannot be changed.

    In brief, these are:


    • Full access across the retail system


    • Can access most backoffice functions
    • Can import items using SIM
    • Cannot import custom data
    • Cannot alter the department and category structure

    Supervisor Cashier

    • Can create purchase orders and transfers
    • Cannot create new or edit existing items
    • Cannot make manual inventory adjustments

    Full Cashier

    • Can access offline inventory


    • Can manage customers

    View a handy PDF of permissions levels at a glance, here:
    Cloud POS Permissions And Access.pdf

    Detailed Breakdown of Security Levels

    1. Administrator

    Access to everything in Cloud POS.

    Each Cloud POS group must have at least one active cashier set as an Administrator.  You will be prevented from deactivating a cashier if they are the only currently active Administrator in your Cloud POS group.

    2. Backoffice - The following lists areas which cannot be accessed:

    Section: Create and Manage Items 

    • Departments and categories
    • Import Tools, but users can import SIM items

    Section: Setup

    • Reason Codes 
    • Cashiers & Users
    • Sales Rep Setup
    • Commission Value Price Bands
    • Manage Mechanics
    • Tax Rates
    • Tender Types
    • Register & Barcode Label Printers
    • Stores
    • Configuration

    3. Supervisor Cashier - The following lists areas which cannot be accessed:

    Section: Create and Manage Items

    • Item Card - Locked as read-only. However, users can print barcode labels
    • Departments & Categories
    • Brands
    • Seasons
    • Suppliers
    • Wizards & SIM Wizards
    • Import Tools
    • Cannot amend stock levels on the item card

    Section: Setup

    • Reason Codes 
    • Cashiers & Users
    • Sales Rep Setup
    • Commission Value Price Bands
    • Manage Mechanics
    • Tax Rates
    • Tender Types
    • Register & Barcode Label Printers
    • Stores
    • Task Pad Setup
    • Modifier Template Setup
    • Item Messages Setup
    • Configuration

    4. Full Cashier - The following lists areas which cannot be accessed:

    Section: Create and Manage Items

    • Item Card - Locked as read-only.  However, users can print barcode labels
    • Departments and categories
    • Brands
    • Seasons
    • Suppliers
    • Wizards & SIM Wizards
    • Import Tools
    • SIM Import Items
    • Cannot amend stock levels on the item card

    Section: Setup

    • Reason Codes 
    • Cashiers & Users
    • Sales Rep Setup
    • Commission Value Price Bands
    • Manage Mechanics
    • Tax Rates
    • Tender Types
    • Register & Barcode Label Printers
    • Stores
    • Task Pad Setup
    • Modifier Template Setup
    • Item Messages Setup
    • Configuration

    Section: Customers

    • Cannot edit credit limits
    • Cannot change account types
    • Cannot make adjustments to account balance

    5. Cashier

    • Read-only access to the item card
    • Cannot print barcode labels from the item card
    • No access to customer card in backoffice 
    • No other backoffice access
    • Cannot edit credit limits
    • Cannot change customer account types
    • Cannot make adjustments to account balance


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