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    Step 3 // Creating and working on a Workshop Job

    In this series of linked articles, we examine the different steps involved as a workshop job passes through the business, for the initial creation of the job, right through to completion and collection by the customer.

    Creating a workshop job

    How to add the job to the system in Cloud POS.

    Service Items

    Use Service Items to save time booking in jobs and keep a track of service history.

    Scheduling a Workshop Job

    Adding a workshop job to the calendar.

    Printing a Workshop Tag in POS

    Use workshop tags and generate a job sheet to provide to the customer or attach to the service item.

    Working on a Workshop Job

    Guidance on how to work with a Workshop Job in the scheduler screen.

    Picking up a Workshop Job in POS

    Recalling a Workshop Job in the Point Of Sale and completing the transaction.

    Picking up and completing a Workshop Job in POS



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