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    How do I obtain a Cloud POS API Key?

    If you need an API key for integrating with third-party services, our Support Team is here to assist you. This article will guide you on when and how to request an API key.

    Requesting an API key for an existing integration

    If you are looking to get set up with one of our existing integrations, you may require an API key to get set up. 

    Here are some integrations/apps that need an API key:

    Xero Integration
    QuickBooks Integration
    Bike Rental Manager Integration
    Specialized S-Connect 2.0
    Turbo Inventory

    Simply reach out to our Support Team, and we'll create the API Key for you. You will then be able to view your API Key from the Setup > Configuration page in the Cloud POS Back Office.

    Important Note on API Key Usage

    Each API key is generated specifically for a particular service. If you receive an API key for one service (e.g. Xero), it should not be used for a different service (e.g. Bike Rental Manager). If you wish to use an API key for a new purpose or a different service provider, you must contact the Support Team to request a new API key.



    Requesting an API Key for Other Purposes

    If your intended use for the API key is not for one of the listed integrations, you will need to complete an API Request Form. This form helps us understand your specific needs and ensure that we provide the appropriate support and security for your integration.

    To request an API key for other purposes:

    1) Contact the Support Team to request a form.

    2) Complete the API Request Form.

    3) Submit the form and our Support Team will review your request, using the API agreement

    4) We will contact you with further instructions or to provide the necessary API key. 

    Contacting Support

    Here is a reminder of how to contact the Citrus-Lime Support Team:

    UK: +44 1229 588 628
    USA: +1 617 927 9550
    IRE: +353 1 691 7685

    Live Chat: You can access the Live Chat feature through the chat widget on the bottom right-hand side of the screen in Back Office, Cloud MT, Cloud Reports and Customer Rewards. It can also be accessed through the ‘Help’ menu which you'll find in the top right-hand corner of any Cloud POS screen.


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