Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    Step 4 // Updating items using SIM

    Product data is updated by suppliers on a frequent basis.  To ensure that you don't have stale data in your Cloud POS database, the SIM functionality will automatically update key data in the background, freeing up your time to concentrate on other tasks.

    Similarly, if you manually create items in your Cloud POS database and would like to benefit from SIM functionality, guidance is provided on how to ensure your items are identifiable to SIM.

    'Linked To SIM'

    When items are Linked To SIM, they will benefit from automatic updates to the Item Description, Season and MSRP when the supplier makes changes to these:

    Unlinking items from automatic SIM updates

    How to prevent items from being automatically updated by the Linked To SIM functionality:

    Will manually created items work with SIM?

    How to ensure that items you may have manually created in Cloud POS can benefit from the wider SIM functionality:

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