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    Training Script with live links to articles

    This is the training script used during your initial training at one of our offices. We are working to add live links to articles for every point – the points underlined have live articles you can click through to.

    Getting Started

    Creating items

    Purchasing part 1

    Purchasing part 2

    Training day 2

    Point of sale part 1

    Point of sale part 2

    • Complex transactions – Work orders, layaways, quotes
    • Understand difference between Work order, Workshop, Layaway and Quote
    • Key features
    • Customer required
    • Deposits can be taken
    • Stock level can be zero
    • Revisit stock locations
    • What happens to stock levels when an item is added to an order?
    • Navigate to transaction type menu
    • Set transaction to Work order
    • Work through deposit and due date
    • Set customer
    • Add any item to transaction
    • Set deposit amount
    • Set transaction reference and add comment
    • Save Work order
    • Recall order
    • Set customer
    • Navigate to orders list
    • Find order using order number, reference date etc.
    • Recall order
    • Understand taking further deposit
    • Pick up order
    • Complete transaction
    • Repeat above for Workshop
    • Repeat above for quote
    • Customer Account Functionality.
    • Set Customer to have credit limit
    • Complete transaction against account tender type
    • Use payment function to clear account

    Customer Orders

    • Create a quote
    • Recall quote and change to work order take deposit and tender
    • Create a Purchase order that includes the item on the work order created in the previous step.
    • Complete full PO to goods in process.
    • Return to POS and recall order
    • Tender transaction to complete
    • Return transaction.
    • Transfer item returned back to supplier for warranty

    Setting Reorder level

    • Use a Wizard to set up min and max level for a group of items
    • Create a PO based on reorder levels
    • Receive items using goods in


    • X and Z reporting
    • Understand POS batches
    • Understand difference between X + Z reports
    • Understand importance of using opening / closing amounts and closing batches accurately
    • Print X report
    • Understand in detail
    • Enter closing amounts
    • Cause a discrepancy
    • Print second x report
    • Work through identifying a discrepancy and common causes
    • Wrong tender type, incorrect change etc.
    • Rectify closing amounts
    • Print Z report
    • Break even reporting + day to day analysis
    • Profit summary by channel by store
    • Margin detail sales – daily sales
    • Tender report
    • Tax breakdown
    • Stock value report detailed – do this weekly / monthly – it is point in time data

    Key Terms

    Standard Item

    A standard item is a single item within your database; they have no colour or size variants within them. Groups of standard items may be joined together as part of a non-standard item.

    Serialised Item

    A serialised item carries all of the same standard characteristics of a Standard item. In addition, every individual item in stock will carry its own unique serial number. The system will record the serial number against the transaction when an item is sold. This allow you to associate a specific product to a sale or customer.

    Matrix Item

    Matrix items are a group of standards items, each standard item being a variant of the matrix parent. E.g., the matrix item may be a blue shirt, where one of the standard items will be blue shirt in small.

    Non-Inventory Item

    A none-inventory item is a standard item where the system does not record stock levels. The stock level of a non-inventory inventory will not change when an item is sold or returned and an out of stock warning will never show when the item is sold. This is commonly used with service related products.

    Assembly Item

    An assembly item is an item created by grouping together a number of items already in your database as a way of quickly adding a group of items to a transaction

    QTY / On Hand quantity

    This is the current quantity of physical stock within each store

    Reorder level

    The point at which the purchase order tool will add this item to the next relevant purchase order

    Restock level

    The point where the purchase order tool will top the stock up to when you reach the reorder level


    This show any items committed to an order for a customer

    Available Quantity

    The number of items in free stock and available to sell / transfer. QTY – Committed = Available


    The price field shows the current selling price. This price will pull through to POS and the website unless a sale price is set for the product.


    Manufacturers suggested retail price. This is the selling price recommended by the manufacturer. This price can be different to the ‘price’ (above) at which you sell the item


    This is the average cost price for the product, calculated each time the product has been received on a purchase order. This price is used to calculate your current stock holding and care should be taken when changing this price.

    Last cost / Supplier cost

    This show the cost price which was entered on the last committed purchase order.


    Alias codes are additional barcodes used to identify the product and can be scanned into POS to find the item and add it to a transaction. Alias codes must be unique and cannot be the same as any item lookup code within the database


    Transaction Types

    Work Order

    This is a Customer special order, this is used when you are ordering goods in from a supplier, or when the customer wishes to reserve an item and leave a deposit. Stock is reserved against a Work Order.


    This type of transaction creates a job in the Workshop module. Stock is reserved against Workshop jobs.


    This type of transaction uses the same format as a Work Order, but is set apart to be used for customers wanting to make regular payments; this makes it easier to report between the two types of transaction. Stock is reserved against a Layaway.


    This is literal, you can build a transaction for a customer and print them out a receipt so they have a reference to the overall value, which they can take away and consider. No stock is reserved against a quote.

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