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    How To Print Price Labels using the Barcode Label Wizard

    You can print or re-print Price Labels using the Wizard functionality.

    Select the Wizards & SIM Wizards function from the navigation:

    Open the Barcode Label Wizard:

    Select the correct store from the dropdown and then select SEARCH AND SELECT ITEMS

    Use the filters to search for the items that you wish to select and then click the checkboxes on the left. 

    If you take a look further down the page, under the item grid, you can see the total number of items selected.

    Select the correct printer from the dropdown and whether you wish to print for Stock on Hand or a Fixed Amount.

    When you are sure that all is correct and you have selected the right amount of labels you can hit Print Labels.

    The labels will be printed ordered by Item Lookup Code.

    This concludes this article.

    NB: Wizards are processed sequentially, so will be 'queued' and processed one after another.

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