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    Creating and using Matrix Templates

    When creating Matrix Items, you can form Templates for data sets that are used commonly, to recall and use again, saving you time when creating similar or related item ranges.

    From the items database screen, click Create New Item:

    Select Matrix from the dropdown, then click Create:

    Enter all the relevant data in the starting screen and click Save, and this will open the screen as below:

    Under Dimension 1, click on Apply & Manage Templates.  This will open a small pop-out box as shown below:

    From here you can select previously created templates, edit, create and delete templates.

    To create a new template, select Create New:

    Give the new template a name and click Done.

    Fill in the required Attributes by clicking New, then filling in the Attributes and Codes.  Note that once you have entered the first Attribute, you can use the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the next cell to be populated.

    Once you have entered all the data you need, click Save Changes, then Done.  This will save the template so you can recall it whenever you need to use the same attributes in the future.

    NOTE: Make sure you 'Save Changes' on any entries into the Dimension 1 table before populating any others.

    In the example below, we have selected the template we created earlier.  From here we can delete any attributes we do not wish to create, or add more manually.

    This technique can save a lot of time.  For example, if you create a template with sizes XXXS to XXXL, you can recall the template and delete any attributes that are not applicable to the matrix you are working upon, rather than manually entering all of the attributes that you do need.

    For more help with Matrix item creation, please read through the following articles:

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