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    Understanding the Customer Record

    This article explains the different fields on a customer record.

    Account Information

    The Basics

    Account Number

    The account number is a unique reference used to identify the customer. It is automatically generated by Cloud POS when a new customer is created, but it can be amended if required. This is a required field.


    The customer's title.

    First Name

    The customer's first name.

    Last Name

    The customer's last name. This is a required field.


    Contact Information

    Postcode / Zip Code

    Enter the customers’ postcode/zip code here. If you are a UK Cloud POS user, you can use the ‘Lookup’ button to find the rest of the customer's address from the postcode.


    You can enter the customer's company here, if applicable.

    Address Information

    The address in this section of the customer record is their billing address. If you need to save additional delivery addresses for the customer (e.g. a work address as well as their home address), you can do this in the ‘Delivery Addresses’ section of their record.



    The first line of the customer's address.

    Address 2

    The second line of the customer's address, if required.


    The customer's city/town.


    The customer's county/state.


    Select the customer's country from the drop-down.


    The customer's home phone number.

    Mobile / Cell

    The customer's mobile / cell number. 

    If you have entered a mobile / cell number, you will see the ‘Send SMS / Send Text’ button.


    The customer's fax number.


    The customer's email address.

    If you have entered an email address, you will see the ‘Send Email' button.

    Contact Preference

    You can set a customer contact preference here, selecting from either ‘Email' or ‘SMS / Text msg’.

    Print Courier Label

    Use this to print a courier label for a shipment to this customer. This is usually done from within the Point of Sale but can also be achieved here on the customer record.



    Date of Birth/Birthday

    The customers’ date of birth.


    Select the customer's gender. The default is ‘None Set’.

    Tax Exempt

    Ticking this box will make the customer exempt from tax on their purchases. Whenever this customer is selected in the Point of Sale, tax will be automatically removed from the items on the transaction. 

    Tax Number

    Here you can enter a customer’s tax number. If set, this will be printed on 40-Col receipts, Full-Size receipts, and invoices. 

    Price Level

    You can assign a product price level to a customer. For example, if you assign ‘Level B’ to a customer, they will automatically be charged Price Level B on any item where Price Level B has been set. You can read more about Price Levels here.

    Discount %

    Using this function will give the customer a discount of the given percentage on every purchase. Care should be taken when setting a blanket discount as the discount will be applied to all items, even those already discounted.


    Here you can enter any notes that relate to this customer. This field is for reference only.


    Customer Rewards

    Here you will see if the customer has a linked Customer Rewards account.

    If there is no Rewards account for this customer, you will see ‘No Customer Rewards Account’ instead of these fields.

    Customer Rewards Balance

    This is the current Customer Reward Points balance as a converted currency value. This field is read-only. The balance can be manually adjusted in the Customer Rewards module, if required.

    Customer Rewards Card Number

    The customer's Customer Reward Card number. This field is read-only. You can assign a new Customer Rewards Card number in the Point of Sale by setting the customer and then navigating to ‘Customers’ > ‘View Customer Rewards’ in the menu.


    Global Data Protection Regulation (G.D.P.R.) Compliance

    Opt in to marketing communications
    (and Date of opt in)

    Use this tick box to confirm that the customer has given their consent to receive marketing communications. This can also be managed in the Point of Sale.


    Account Transactions

    This section relates to credits and debits on the customer's account. You can read more about this functionality here.

    Account Type

    Select a customer account type from the drop-down. 

    If you need to create a new account type, follow the instructions here.

    Credit Limit

    This sets the maximum allowed credit balance on the customer's account. Any attempts to exceed this limit in the Point of Sale will be blocked.

    Account Opened

    This states the date that the customer account (for credit/debits) was created.


    This shows the current balance of the customer account.


    This table shows payments made on the customer's account and the outstanding amounts due.


    This table shows all activity on the customer's account.


    Orders & Workshop Jobs

    This table lists the customers' orders. The table will ‘Show Open’ orders by default, but you can use the green buttons to ‘Show All ’ or ‘Show Closed’. 

    This table is very similar to the ‘Customer Orders, including Workshop’ page but filtered for this customer only.


    Purchase History

    This table lists all the customer's previous transactions. You can view, reprint and resend receipts from this screen and generate sequential invoices (if required by your tax regulations).


    Messages and Communications

    This table lists any communications with this customer. This will include:

    • emails sent to the customer from Cloud POS
    • SMS / text messages sent to the customer from Cloud POS
    • SMS / text messages received from the customer in Cloud POS
    • Notes added to the customer record / a customer order by a member of staff


    Delivery Addresses

    This table lists the saved delivery addresses for the customer.

    There is a button to ‘Add Customer’s Billing Address as a Delivery Address', which will copy the address from the ‘Account Information’ section into this table.

    If you have a Citrus-Lime Ecommerce site, any delivery addresses that the customer uses online will be automatically added to this table.


    Gift Vouchers / Gift Certificates

    This table lists any gift vouchers / gift certificates generated for this customer record. 

    You can adjust expiration dates, cancel vouchers/certificates and reprint and email voucher/certificate information from this screen.

    You can read more about using this functionality here.


    Serviced Items

    Serviced Items

    This table lists any serviced items that have been used for this customer's Workshop Jobs. Click the drop-down arrow to view the related Workshop Jobs. Click ‘Edit’ beside a serviced item to add/edit the item name and/or its serial number.

    You can manually create serviced items by clicking ‘New’ in the Serviced Items table.

    You can send a service reminder to the customer by clicking the ‘Send Service Reminder’ button.

    You can find a How To article and video guide to the serviced items functionality here.

    Scheduled Service Reminders

    This table lists any service reminders that have been scheduled for this customer. You can also cancel service reminders from this table.

    There is more information about the service reminders functionality here.

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