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    Managing Cashiers // How do I create a new Cashier?

    How to get your Cashiers set up in POS

    1)  From the menu navigate to Setup and then Cashiers & Users.  The Cashiers & Users list will appear;

    2)  Select New, located in the top left corner of the grid;

    3)  Complete the fields presented.

    • Name - Required Field
    • Email - The email address must be unique. You cannot have two cashiers with the same email address. This is a required field.
    • Telephone - The telephone number for the store at which the cashier is based
    • Security Level - Set the required security access for this cashier.  This is a required field.  Click here for more on Security Levels
    • Store - Use the dropdown to select the correct store for the cashier.  This is a required field.
    • Pin - Set a unique PIN number for the cashier. This is used to quick-switch in POS. Click here for further reading on POS Cashier Quick Switch
    • Active - Activate/deactivate the Cashier access as required

    4)  Click Update and you have created the Cashier in the retail system;

    5)  Back in the main Cashier grid, you now need to create a memorable Password for the cashier.  Passwords must contain a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z) and one number (0-9).  Click Set Password, enter the new password and then click OK.  If you need to amend the password in future, you can do so here by following Step 5 again.

    Cashiers who work in multiple stores

    If you have more than one store in your Cloud POS group, then you may also have staff members who will work in different stores from time to time.

    In this situation, you will need to create a Cashier login for each store, for each staff member who might work in multiple locations and will need to use the Point Of Sale.

    The login details used to access Cloud POS dictate which store that user logs into, so in the example below, if we were to log in with the username, we would access the Ulverston store Point Of Sale.  Logging in with username would give access to the Glasgow Point Of Sale:

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