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    Supplier Data Integration - SIMDEX - Information for Suppliers

    How do I, as a supplier, get data from Citrus-Lime Cloud POS Customers who sign up to the SIM Data Exchange service?

    We can provide sales data and stock data back to suppliers when they sign up for the SIMDEX service.
    This article defines how we deliver the data...

    Your Data

    Your data is available via a highly secure data share in the Cloud accessed via HTTPS, which is fully password protected. The data is encrypted automatically when it's downloading to you.  

     Your data is only available externally and is secured by a username and password.

    • When a Retailer signs your Data Share Agreement, we will add them to your data area. 
    • Your Customers must be running Citrus-Lime's Cloud POS platform. 
    • All our feeds are presented in both CSV and JSON format. 

    The easiest way to see an example file is for Citrus-Lime to setup a store for you and then you can view real data rather than a hand created sample. 


    For example :

    In this area you'll find two files:

    1. stores.json
    2. stores.csv

    These files define the stores which are configured and contain the Locations and Names of the Stock and Sales files for these stores. 

    The files contain the following fields:

    • Storename
      The name of the store as our customer sets it in our system, for example, 'Ride Bikes'

    • Postcode
      The store postcode, for example, LA12 0AA

    • StoreCode
      The CitrusLime storecode, for example, FPOSDCCL

    • StockFileLocation
      The URL of the stock file.
      For example:

    Stock Levels

    Data will be available on:<YOURCODE>/Exports/StockLevels

     Each store has its own files, which will be will be named in the format:


    For stock levels, the file includes the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Supplier Account Code Supplier code for this customer (see note below)
    SKU Your Part Code for the item
    Qty Quantity Available (i.e. not including stock committed to customer orders or transfers)
    Date Timestamp for the Stock Level
    Citrus-Lime Store Code For example : FPOSDCCL-ULV


    The data will be located in:<YOURCODE>/Exports/Sales

    Each store has its own file. 

    For Sales Reporting, we include these fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Supplier Account Code
    Supplier Code for this Customer (see note below)
    Transaction Entry ID ID for the transaction entry (to allow de-duplication)
    SKU Your Part Code for the item
    Date Timestamp for the sale
    Qty Quantity sold
    Unit Sell Price Actual Sell Price achieved
    Type The type of transaction, either "SALE" or "RETURN" 
    Citrus-Lime Store Code For example, FPOSDCCL-ULV
    Currency Code GBP, EUR, or USD. This will be the same for all records in the file
    SalesChannel From October 12th 2020, sales channel will also be exported. This will indicate the source of the sale - for example CitrusStore for a standard website sale, Retail for an in-store sale, eBay or Amazon

    NOTE :
    Supplier Account Code is the code given to us by yourselves. So, if you have a customer called Bills Cycles, and their account code in your system is BILL0156, we’ll include BILL0156 in the supplier account code column so that you can link the stock level to the customer who has the stock. This allows us to upload stock levels without passing around data such as store name, store address etc.


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