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    What does 'Linked to SIM' mean?

    Part of the Supplier Integration Module's process is to autonomously upload updates directly to your database.

    This is signified by the Linked to SIM checkbox in the 'General' tab of each item's card in your database:

    There are four updates in this process:

    Item name - This is the Description field in the 'General' tab in each item's card in your database;

    MSRP - This is the MSRP field in the 'General' tab in each item's card in your database (see below):

    Season - This is the Season field in the 'General' tab in each item's card in your database (see below):

    EAN / Barcode - This is the Extra Barcodes And Aliases field in the 'General' tab in each item's card in your database (see below)

    These updates will be processed and pushed to your database daily, when the supplier's raw data is re-processed into our database and any changes are picked up.

    Be aware that these automated updates also affect matrix parent items.

    If required, you can switch off this functionality by un-checking the checkbox denoting the item being 'Linked to SIM'. You might choose to do this if you'd prefer to provide your own description for the item, rather than the description provided by the supplier.

    IMPORTANT NOTE:  Unlinking an item from SIM will only prevent the Description, MSRP, Season and Alias updates from taking place automatically. It will not affect your ability to use the remaining SIM functionality, such as updating supplier cost prices or showing supplier stock availability on your ecommerce site.

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