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    Can I email a purchase order to a supplier?

    Send a PDF file of your order directly to the supplier

    Purchase orders can be emailed as a PDF file directly to the supplier from the purchase order screen. 

    1)  Firstly, make sure you have set the purchase order sending email address for your store.  You set this from the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, under Setup, then Stores, then by editing the store in question.  Add the email address in the field titled Purchase Order Email Address and then click Save.

    2)  After creating your purchase order, click the Options button on the menu, and then Email To Supplier:

    3)  If you already have a contact email address set for the supplier in the supplier record, this will be automatically used as the email address to which the purchase order will be sent.  You'll see this in the 'To' field

    If this detail isn't already present, or you would like to edit it, you can manually add or change the supplier's email address.

    You can also send a copy of the purchase order email to another address at the same time, by using the 'CC a copy to' field.

    4)  Once you have added any details as necessary, click the Send Purchase Order button, and you will see the following message:

    5)  Click OK and you can run through any remaining processes to place and receive the purchase order.

    We would highly recommend using the 'CC a copy to:' option and sending a copy to an email address you are able to access.  There is no record stored within Cloud POS of emails sent to suppliers, so sending a copy to yourself will help you to confirm when the purchase order was sent.

    The supplier claims they never received my purchase order - what can I do?

    The emails work on an 'all or nothing' basis, so either all copies requested will be sent (to the supplier's address and any other address you specify) or, in the highly unlikely event of a technical problem, no emails will be sent.

    By requesting a copy of the purchase order to be emailed to an address you can access, you can confirm you have received the email and, on that basis, be confident that a copy was also sent to the supplier's email address that you'd specified.

    If the supplier advises that they did not receive the purchase order, confirm that you are using the correct email address for the supplier.  Also, request that they check any junk mail folders for the email.

    NOTE:  Email is not 100% reliable technology and there is no guarantee that an email that has been confirmed as sent will reach its intended destination.  For this reason, for time-sensitive and critical orders, we would always recommend verbally confirming with the supplier that the purchase order has been received by them.

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