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    Cloud MT // How do I assign Size Charts to a Brand?

    When activating products online, it is best to add as much information as possible about a product to help make that sale. An important part of this is having size charts for your items. This helps the customer convert and buy the item with you, instead of them going elsewhere where they can find more information.

    You can either add a size chart to each individual item, or you can add size charts by brand. 

    Open up Cloud MT, and navigate to Item Management > Brands List.

    Find the relevant brand, and click Edit.

    At the top of this page, you can add other brand information if you wish, such as a Meta Description and a Brand Logo. You can also choose to block coupons from being used on items from this brand.

    If you scroll down the page, you can add a size chart for Male, Female and Unisex items. The best charts to add are table-based instead of pictures, as these will scale better when changing between different sized devices, especially mobile. Also, if you are copy and pasting text for your table from another site — such as the brand's own website — it is recommended that you paste this into Notepad or Word first, and then into the table in Cloud MT, as this will strip out any background formatting that could cause display issues on your site.

    To create a table, click Table > Table, and then use the grid to create a table of the relevant size:

    If you do decide to add a picture of your size chart instead, you will need to click Insert > Image...

    You can then insert an image from your Image Gallery in Cloud MT.**
    You will be asked for the Source of the image. You can find the image source by clicking Copy Path underneath your size chart in the Image Gallery.
    Right-click and Paste to add the image path to the Source field, or use the shortcut, Ctrl + V.

    **You can read more about using the Image Gallery here.

    Click the blue Save button, and the size chart image will be added.

    Make sure you click Save Changes at the bottom of the page before navigating away from the brand page.

    Once saved, your size charts will then be replicated across all items corresponding to that brand and gender.

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