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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? November 2016

    POS screen layout update: 

    We have improved the layout of Citrus-Lime POS, making the Item search and barcode scan clearer as well as the actions menu and logout links. Click for more details

    Back Office layout update:

    The back office navigation menu has been updated, again to make functions clearer and easier to find. 

    New communications feature:

    Keep your customers up to date using the Citrus-Lime communications feature. You can now send SMS and emails to your customers from a quick link on the customer search using the contact details you have stored within their customer account. You can create pre-set templates for those common tasks and all communications are saved should you need to refer back to them in the future. See how this feature can help your store

     Improved add items feature within purchase orders:

    The add items grid within purchase orders now contains more features and has been adapted to work better with all screen sizes.

    The following fixes and developments have also been included in this release.

    Type Project Area Notes
      Back office General  
    Bug Back office General Bug where 'price change' wizard did not save Sale price changes has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General Page titles have been made clearer making it easier to use multiple tabs
    New Feature Development Back office General Purchase order details have been removed from the quick stock enquiry screen making the screen smaller and easier to read
    Bug Back office General When viewing a customer's credit account on the item card a transaction reference and transaction total have been added
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General Receipt journal has been re ordered to always show the open batches at the top
    Bug Back office General Bug when an item could show twice within the search grid has been resolved
    Bug Back office General Bug allowing serial number to be added to an out of stock item has been resolved
    New Feature Development Back office General Website price field has been added to the product pages
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General A confirmation message has been added when changes are saved on an item
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General Label printing from the  item card now has a limit of 50 labels per print
    Bug Back office General Bug hiding serial numbers on the item screen has been resolved
    Bug Back office General Supplier cost field character restriction has been changed to allow a higher number to be entered when required
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General The notification that a transfer is committed has been moved to make it clearer on the screen
    New Feature Development Back office General MPQ's are no longer enforced on transfers to allow the transfer of part quantities of packs
    New Feature Development Back office General An option to only include available stock has now been developed for creating transfers
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General Raise to supplier option has been removed from transfers
    UI/UX Enhancement Back office General Quantity on hand and quantity committed fields have been added to the purchase order screens
      Customer Back Office Functionality  
    Bug Customer Back office Functionality Bug allowing the user to over tender when making an account payment has been resolved
    Bug Customer Back office Functionality Bug making customer account payments show incorrectly on an X or Z report has been resolved
    Bug Customer Back office Functionality Bug where customer purchase history total was showing incorrectly on the customer card has been resolved
    New Feature Development Customer Back office Functionality Primary cashier and primary sales rep have been deemed as not required and have been removed from the customer record
      Item Creation Including Matrix Items  
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items The back office item search has been re developed to significantly improve search speed. Larger and growing databases will benefit greatly from this.
    New Feature Development Item Creation Including Matrix Items When creating a new item, then cost and price fields can now be entered on the initial item creation screen rather than added after the item is created
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items When adding a supplier a confirmation message has been made more visible to make it clear that the task has completed
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Zero values can now be entered for any / all items within and assembly item
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Adding multiple quantities for items within an assembly item is now allowed and respected in POS
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Wording changed on labels print button from 'request labels' to 'Print Labels'
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Notification message has been added when converting matrix components to a serialised item
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Convert to serial function has been moved from the first page of item creation to further in the process
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Cancel function when creating items can now be used
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items There is now a cancel button when creating a matrix or assembly item
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Inventory details have been removed from Non inventory and assembly items
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Gender can now be set when creating a matrix item
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items When making changes to Matrix items a notification has been added to confirm that the changes will push to the component items
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Changes to costs and prices can now be pushed to the matrix components
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Sale prices and dates can now be set to active on the matrix item which will update the components
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Tax rate on new matrix items is no longer set as T0 as standard
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Alias field now has a character limit of 25 
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items All fields in the reorder levels are now saved by using the update button on the item card
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug preventing tax level being set on a matrix item has been resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items When there is only one supplier left on a item, this is automatically selected as the primary
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug in volume discounts allowing multiple prices being set for the same quantity has been resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Negative Values are no longer allowed within the volume discount section
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Volume discounts can now only be given a cash value as a discount
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items A quantity of 1 is no longer allowed within the volume discounts
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Weight field character restriction has been changed to allow a higher number to be entered when required
    UI/UX Enhancement Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug where item creation could not be cancelled has been resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Matrix and lookup code now allows period character (full stop)
    New Feature Development Item Creation Including Matrix Items When creating an item the supplier code now populates from the item lookup code as default
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug preventing the use of special characters within matrix items has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement POS Item comments now display on work order receipts
    Bug POS Issues with part payment and over tender on credit accounts have been resolved
    Bug POS Once an order has been created the customer can no longer be changed
    UI/UX Enhancement POS Customer account tender type is no longer available unless the customer set has a credit account
    UI/UX Enhancement POS More filter options have been added to the POS item search screen
    Bug POS POS Sale price will only be used if it is lower than the standard price. A warning has been added when creating a sale price higher than the standard price. 
    Bug POS On an order, you can no longer take a deposit greater than the total value of the transaction
    Bug POS Bug where customer price level was used in a transaction even when the user selected not to do so, has been resolved
    Bug POS Setting a customer in a transaction reset any price changes. This has been resolved
    Bug POS Bug allowing a serialised item to be tendered with no serial set has been resolved
    New Feature Development POS Customer account balance has been added to the info screen at the top of the POS screen
    Bug POS Work orders can now be converted to workshop jobs
    Bug POS Customer account tender type no longer displays unless the customer has a credit account
    Bug POS Returns can now be processed onto the customer account
    Bug POS Bug where tax was showing on the receipt for non tax customers is now resolved 
    UI/UX Enhancement POS It is no longer possible to over tender a work order deposit 
      Purchase Orders  
    Bug Purchase Orders When adding items to a purchase order the add and cancel buttons have been moved to the top of the grid, helping with visibility on smaller screen sizes
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Warning added to PO screen when navigating away when there are unsaved changes
    New Feature Development Purchase Orders Purchase order title and remarks can now be added when creating an order
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Bug allowing the user to exceed the character limit within Purchase Order text fields has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Time taken for the delete purchase order warning to pop up has been significantly reduced
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders When receiving a purchase order it is no longer to possible leave the received quantity blank
    Bug Purchase Orders Negative values are no longer allowed when receiving transfers
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Purchase order quantity received fields now only accept numerical values
    Bug Purchase Orders It is no longer possible to make any changes to a purchase order once it has been committed
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders There is now a warning when the user tries to receive more items that the number ordered in a purchase order
    New Feature Development Purchase Orders Estimated shipping and fees columns have been removed from the purchase order screens
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug preventing the supplier part code from being populated when an item is scanned into a Purchase order has been resolved
    Bug Purchase Orders Warning has been added when scanning a serial number longer that the character limit (20 characters)
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug where removing a serial number from a purchase order does not save has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders It is no longer possible to add more serial numbers than the number of items on the purchase order
    New Feature Development Purchase Orders When scanning in a barcode on a purchase order if the item is not found but is available in SIM it will now allow product import from the purchase order screen
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug where items with less than 0 in stock (over sold) where not booked in when a purchase order was committed is now resolved
    Bug Purchase Orders Transfer committed confirmation is now clearer
    Bug SIM

    SIM 'Make items obsolete' wizard will no longer time out before the task completes

    New Feature Development SIM Items imported by SIM will now be marked within the items card
    Bug SIM SIM will now import gender field to an item when available
    New Feature Development SIM SIM 'Make items obsolete' wizard has been re worked for better performance, speed, and user feedback
      Stock Take  
    UI/UX Enhancement Stock Take Extra fields have been added to the stock take list for easier searching and examination
    Bug Stock Take Stocktake now gives a clear notification when an item cannot be found on import. The user is also given a list of not found / problem items
    Bug Workshop Issue where adding items to a workshop job required a page reload to see the item has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Workshop The workshop module has been re worked to significantly improve load times around moving and changing appointments


    If you have any questions on the functionality listed here or need further assistance, please let us know on 01229 588628 or

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