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    Customer Rewards // How do I set my communication preferences?

    You can control how Customer Rewards communications will be sent to subscribed customers who are enrolled in your Rewards scheme, via the Settings section of the Customer Rewards Store Interface:

    Communications will include notifications such as the 'Welcome' email the customer receives once their Rewards account is active, points balance reminders that advise the customer of their current points balance on a monthly basis, and promotion notifiers, which alert customers to any active promotions you are running:

    Example Welcome email:

    Example Promotion Notifier:

    When a promotion is activated, a 'New Promotion' notification will be sent to subscribed customers. These notifications are sent overnight, once a promotion has started.  Promotion notifications will not be sent if the promotion is negative (when no points are generated), so if you choose to create a promotion to block points being awarded on certain items, that will not generate a notification email.

    Once logged in, select the Settings option from the main menu.

    Under the section Notification Configuration, you can select the tickbox option for Email:

    Enabling the Email option means the platform will send an email direct.  When Mailchimp is selected, the information will be uploaded to Mailchimp, so you can make more use of the details using the functionalities within the Mailchimp account.

    You can also set customer-specific notification preferences, by editing a customer record and blocking notification methods:

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