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    Customer Rewards // Getting Started

    This article guides you through the initial setup of your Customer Rewards scheme.

    During the initial set up of the scheme, we will ask you to confirm how many points you would like your customers to earn for every Pound that they spend. The range that you are able to choose from starts at 10 points per Pound (£0.01), up to as many as 500 points per Pound (£0.50). We will set this for you when we create your scheme, but you do have the freedom to amend this yourself within the Customer Rewards Interface.

    Once the scheme has been activated, we will provide you with the login details for your Customer Rewards Store Interface.  Until the scheme is made active, no interface exists for you to access; it is the process of activating the scheme that creates the interface.

    The URL for this page is (please bookmark this page)

    This interface allows you to manage your Customer Rewards scheme:

    Under the section Points Settings, confirm that the Points Multiplier is set correctly.  This section is not a tool to create promotions; the platform has functionality built specifically for that purpose. You should not adjust the points multiplier unless you are making major changes to how the scheme is going to work for your business.  Click Update Settings if you make any changes in this section.

    The next section to complete is Points Expiry, by clicking the Manage Points Expiry button.  Here you can specify how long your customers' accounts can remain dormant (no points spent or earned) before their points balance is set to zero.  The value you set here is calculated in years, so 1 = 1 year before points expire.  Zero means points never expire.

    Finally, from the main menu on the left, select Promotions.  You will be redirected to the area which is designed to allow you to set up promotional offers using Rewards Points. In this screen, you can create some negative promotions to prevent customers from accruing points from purchases where you may not wish for points to be earned.  Some examples might be sale items or Labour charges.

     In the example below, we can see a promotion set up to prevent points being accrued against labour services:

    The end date is set at a future date, so far ahead that the promotion will run without any interruption.

    Finally, the points multiplier is set at 0.  This means that when any items within that category are sold they will not accrue points.

    The Customer Rewards Scheme is now set up.

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