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    Supplier Integration - Auto Activation

    Description of our time saving web SIM features

    Standard SIM vs Auto Activation

    If you are connected to SIM (Citrus-Lime's Supplier Integration Module) and your supplier provides data, we can help you set up products. 

    We have two kinds of SIM supplier...

    1. Standard Web SIM - Suppliers which we support for images and descriptions; 
    2. Auto-Activation - Suppliers which we provide full automatic setup for.

    Full automatic setup means that all of the required Find & Filter settings will be populated and the item is made active online. For Filters to map fully you must use our recommended filter set for your sector. 

    Standard SIM

    To import supplier web data, to populate an item for your website using standard SIM, you simply click one of the links in the product general tab in Merchant Tools (see below image). This will bring in the raw, unedited, information which has been provided by the supplier.

    Auto Activation

    If a product is : 

    1. Not currently active and has never been Active in the past;
    2. Is in Local stock or Warehouse stock;

    Then the product is automatically tagged for 'Auto Activation'. This means that when the product is available within the automatic web SIM platform, it will import and the listing will Activate on your website.

    Auto Activation can be configured for local stock only (only items that you physically have in stock), or a combination of local/supplier stock (items in stock in your business and/or available from the supplier).

    If you would like the option to change this setting, please contact Citrus-Lime and we will activate the option in Merchant Tools.

    Note: if you have items which have previously been active in Merchant Tools but have since been made inactive, and remain active in Cloud POS, these items would be reactivated by Automatic SIM when they became available in the automatic web SIM platform.

    We import:

    • Name
    • Short Description
    • Long Description
    • Image/Images
    • Gender
    • Colour
    • Google Category
    • Age
    • Primary Category
    • Technical Information (As available)
    • Colour Grouping

    Filter Matching

    Filter options - if you have created new filters or deleted the default filters which are set as standard when your website is built, you will not see full matching

    We use the URL fragment, which means you rename the filter. For example renaming 'Carbon Fibre' to 'Carbon Composite' will retain the same facet url fragment. 

    Auto Activation set up

    You have two options for Auto Activation;

    Option 1

    With 'Automatic SIM enabled', images and descriptions will be imported into Merchant Tools, but the products will not be made active and the filter options will not be set. This limited mode is best for those who manage and maintain their own filter set. 

    Option 2

    The second checkbox, 'Automatic SIM, setting of filter options enabled' will auto active product, including setting the products filter options.

    These options are set by Citrus-Lime in your website's configuration.

    The Auto Activation set-up can be viewed in SIM Settings, found under Site Management in Merchant Tools. 

    On this page, you can see a list of standard SIM suppliers available to you. Below is the list of Auto Activation brands and seasons that we currently support. 

    You need the Standard SIM supplier available to use Auto Activation. For example, if you wish to have automatic activation of Giant 2018 items, you need to be able to see Giant in your list of Standard SIM Suppliers.

    Auto Activation - When?

    Automatic SIM runs once every twenty-four hours. 

    Auto Activation Automatic Update

    Once a product is connected to 'Auto Activation', the tickbox on the item card will be set, this means that any changes to product information within the Citrus-Lime automatic SIM database will copy down to this product within 24 hours. Clearing this tickbox means this will never happen again. 

    If you wish to force an item you've set up by hand to automatically update, you can set this option by hand. 

    How do I see what is going on?

    At the bottom of the SIM Settings page, seen under Site Management in Merchant Tools, there is status information.

    Automatic SIM - Supported Suppliers

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