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    Cloud MT // How do I setup and edit my online finance options?

    If you intend to offer finance as a payment option on your e-commerce site, you'll need to set this up with Cloud MT.

    From the main menu in Cloud MT, go to Site Management, then Finance Products:

    Make sure that the checkbox marked Only Show Active Finance Products is unticked, so that you can see all of the finance options available. 

    You will need to know the specific finance options you have agreed on your account with your finance provider.  You can only offer options that are enabled on your account.  For each option, you will need to edit and activate the individual option.

    Using the Finance Code tag field, locate an option, then click Edit.  We are using Interest Free Finance (12 Months) in our example below:

    Minimum Basket Value:  Baskets of a value less than this will not see this finance option offered.  We've set this to £400 in our example above.

    Maximum Basket Value:  We would recommend setting this as its maximum value, unless you are intending to have specific restrictions.  If you wanted a specific Maximum Basket Value, i.e., £1200, then any baskets over £1200 would not be offered this finance option. 

    Minimum Basket Margin:  We would recommend using this as it helps prevent making a loss on the sale.  If you have some low margin items for sale, you may want to ensure they are excluded from being purchasable with finance.  Note that figures entered into this field are calculated as a decimal, so 0.1, as in the example screenshot above, equates to 10%.  You'll see this figure update when you save your changes.

    Please also note that the figures you see in Citrus-Lime do not include any fees the retailer incurs to the Finance provider themselves, as these fees are subject to external change and not within our control. We'd advise to account for these in the chosen figures you set in your Finance Products section in order to protect your margins adequately.

    Minimum Deposit: The percentage of the total price the customer will be required to pay in order to receive this service.  NOTE:  If your finance provider is Hitachi, please refer to this article here:

    Minimum Basket + Deposit:  If you set a Minimum Deposit requirement, then this field will add together the Minimum Basket Value and the Minimum Deposit, which in effect increases the value of the basket the customer will need to have before this finance option will be offered. 

    To give a working example of why this happens:  If the Minimum Basket Value of the service was £400 and a 10% deposit was required, you would therefore be offering finance on £360 (since the customer doesn't pay the deposit by finance), and that figure would be below the Minimum Basket Value.

    So, a £400 basket with a required 10% deposit will have a Minimum Basket Value of £440, meaning that baskets below £440 will not be offered this finance option.

    Display order:  If you are offering more than one finance option, you can dictate the order in which the finance options will appear to the customer. 

    Active:  This checkbox dictates whether the finance option will appear on your e-commerce site.

    When you've set all the fields as required, click Save to commit your changes.  You'll now need to repeat the process for any other finance options you wish to offer.  Make sure you have no more than 12 finance products available at any one price point, otherwise it is not possible for the customer to select their finance offering.

    Please Note

    Any changes to your finance options will be recalculated and applied when your website next restarts. This means you won't see your new Finance products take effect straight away.



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