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    Cloud MT // How do I manage my General Page content?

    There are 5 generic pages which are used in Citrus-Lime Ecommerce. These can be used for a variety of purposes but by default and unless specified during the sales and project process, they will be used for the following topics.

    1. About us
    2. Cycle to work schemes
    3. Workshop
    4. Demo Fleet & Bike Hire
    5. Bike Fitting

    The URLs which will be used for each of these pages are:

    Custom Page 1 - /pages/aboutus/
    Custom Page 2 - /pages/schemes/
    Custom Page 3 - /pages/workshop/
    Custom Page 4 - /pages/hire/
    Custom Page 5 - /pages/fitting/

    To edit these pages;

    1. Go to Cloud MT;
    2. Click on the Site Management section header from the menu.
    3. Click General Pages.

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