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    Back Office Functions

    Understanding back office and getting started

    Items Menu

    Department and Categories

    Departments and categories add detail to your items which allows you to group products when reporting. This allows you to analyse the strengths and weaknesses in the product groups that you carry in stock. This is a critical tool for meaningful reporting and helping make good buying decisions. Each department can have multiple categories within it. You will need to create a list of department and categories before you start creating products.

    You can also search by department and category when finding items in POS



    Adding a Brand to each product allows you to report on each brand as a group. This allows you to analyse strongest and weakest brands and make direct comparisons between the brands you stock. You will need to create a list of brands before you start creating products.



    You can create season to link relevant products by their selling period. Seasons will help with reporting and when setting sales and promotions. Once created you can add a season to any product.



    The item list is a list of all item in your database. This list will contain both active and inactive items. From here you can edit and view existing items as well as creating new items.


    Import items from SIM

    The Supplier Integration Module (SIM) allows you to import items from your suppliers database file. This is the quickest way to create products in your database. SIM will only be available for the suppliers for whom you have a SIM license.



    The supplier list show a list of all of the suppliers in your database. You will need to populate your supplier list before associating items with a supplier. Suppliers are used for both reporting and creating purchase orders. This is also a good place to keep contact and account information for your suppliers. You should populate your list of suppliers before begging to populate your product database.


    Customers Menu


    The customer list allows you to search for and view customers in the database. You can view their account details, current orders, purchase history, messages and communications & additional shipping addresses. Here you can also edit existing and add new customers.

    Customer orders

    The customer orders page shows all current and historic customer orders. Here you can search for orders based on a number of given filters, you can view product details of the orders and see at what stage of completion it is at.

    Customer calendar



    Purchasing & goods in

    Purchase orders

    Purchase orders allow you to create orders for new stock based on sales, minimum stock quantities, specific filters and manually. Once created the orders can be exported to import to B2B or send to your suppliers.


    Goods in

    Goods in allows you to receive your purchase orders into the system to booking the items received into stock. You should also use the goods in function to print labels for all received items.


    Stock transfer orders



    Stock take

    Stock take allows you to check the stock levels within the Citrus-Retail system against your current physical stock levels. You can view discrepancies and update your stock quantities. Stock checks can be carried out for the whole database, or specific segments of the database by filtering.


    Setup Menu


    Tags can be created and associated with customer accounts, suppliers, and items. This allows you to link by relevant terms. You can use this when reporting and in marketing to target specific customer’s, suppliers and items groups.


    Reason codes 

    Reason codes for a reason to be given to track changes to your database and transactions including discounts, stock changes, returns etc. Reason codes can be seen within reports or reported on specifically.


    Cashiers and users 

    Cashiers are the individual users of POS and Back Office. Each cashier will have their own unique user name and password and different levels of access to the system.


    Sales reps

    Sales reps allow specific people to be associated with whole transactions or parts of a transaction, they are also used to define which technician carried out work on a workshop task. Reps can also be used to assign sales commission for a transactions.


    Tax rates


    Item tax


    Item messages

    Item messages allow you to assign a message to an item that will prompt to the cashier when adding an item to a transaction. Once you have created an item message you will need to link it to the item on the individual item card.


    Tender types

    Tender types control the types of tender (cash, card etc.) which you will accept within your store, they are used to reconcile amounts when closing batches, checking the amounts registered to the POS against the amounts physically taken. It is the cashiers’ responsibility to ensure the correct tender type is chosen when completing a transaction.


    Account types

    Account types allow you to offer credit to a customer. You can create different account types to offer levels of finance or to define payment terms.



    The register list is a list of POS terminals within your store.



    The stores list shows all of the store within your retail group. You can edit a store contact details from this list, and add a new store.


    Reports & External Menu

    Intelligence Reports

    This is a link to Citrus Limes Cloud Reports. Here you can report on all aspects of your business.


    Customer Rewards

    This is a link the Customer Rewards store management page. Here you can view Customer Rewards accounts, Add and remove points and manage promotions.


    Citrus Store

    This is a link to Citrus Store Manager functions. Here you can manage your E-Commerce site.


    View items imported from SIM

    Here you can view the last import from the supplier integration module


    POS Menu


    This is a link to the Point of sale application

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