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    eCommerce // What's in the July 2024 update?

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect in this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce 


    • Work to ensure users are directed to the intended product, even if the URL link has an error. When a URL includes the correct product ID but is otherwise incorrect, we will redirect to the correct URL for that product. 
    • The canonical URLs for the product pages are now the full URL, e.g., https://<Domain>/<RestOfUrl>.
    • Deployment improvements made for improved efficiency during releases.
    • Background tasks moved onto the latest code version. These changes improve logging, stability and future maintainability. 
    • Removal of obsolete blog code.

    Bug Fixes 

    • An issue that could prevent a site from loading after Klarna's credentials are updated has been fixed.
    • Google Tag Manager tags remain in the header, but we have deleted the NoScript element. This ensures the tag is compliant with our HTML document type. We also made the same change to the Google Remarketing tag.
    • Improvements made to Custom Repeaters so that bad data does not cause the site to error. 
    • Links shared on social media should no longer show a broken preview.
    • WebP image format is now applied to thumbnail images.
    • Find and Filter results pages will no longer remove the ending ‘s’ from page titles.

    Cloud MT 


    • An image width property of 1920 has been added to the URL generated by the copy image button in the image gallery. 

    Bug Fixes 

    • Images added via the Cloud MT API will no longer have a duplicated file path.



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