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    eCommerce // What's in the March release?

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect in this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce

    New Feature 

    • The potential to earn rewards points will now be visible in the basket (either as points or monetary value depending on set up), providing additional incentives for purchases.  
    • Upgraded Amazon integration: We've revamped our integration with Amazon to utilize a new Citrus-Lime application, ensuring seamless functionality as Amazon's Marketplace Web Service becomes obsolete by the end of March. Affected users will be contacted by our helpdesk to facilitate a smooth transition and address authorisation requirements.


    • Support for WebP image formats: This update allows for smaller, faster-loading images without sacrificing quality.
    • Improvements made to site health check monitoring. 
    • eBay order downloads now occur every 15 minutes for improved efficiency.
    • Addressed slow-down issues caused by large numbers of coupons. 
    • H1 tag is now positioned at the top of the page for better SEO.
    • Implemented redirect rules that were removed to facilitate Yarp migration.
    • Added two new consent attributes/parameters to ensure compliance with Google's upgrade to Consent Mode v2, enabling users to continue utilising Google Ads.

    Bug Fixes

    • AutoSim image order now remains in the intended sequence.
    • Deactivating or creating a new Link Collection will no longer cause errors on sites.
    • Global shipping addresses on eBay orders will now download correctly.

    Cloud MT

    New Feature 

    • Refund processing via Virtual Terminal for CitrusPay. This feature is not available automatically, retailers will have to contact the helpdesk team to add the ability to process ad-hoc refunds via Virtual Terminal. This functionality is restricted to Admin users, providing a solution for processing refunds when the original purchase card has expired.
    • Order Summary Report in Cloud MT is now exportable.


    • Supported image formats now include WebP. 
    • Amazon Mangement page now allows for authorisation set up. Please note that the helpdesk will contact those who require set-up ahead of the end-of-March deadline.



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