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    eCommerce // What's in the new release? January 2024

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect in this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce


    • Work completed to improve deployment processes for increased efficiency.
    • Improved handling of pending responses from PayPal.
    • Automatic replacement of invalid characters in image paths to ensure accurate rendering on websites.
    • Removal of unused code segments to enhance system maintainability.
    • Work completed to strengthen system robustness for improved performance.

    Bug Fixes

    • An issue has been fixed where different casing of Item Lookup Codes could impact the appearance of Supplier Stock. 
    •  Checkout now accepts special characters in the address field.
    • MailChimp Integration: Campaign ID tracking added for accurate revenue reporting.
    • An error that could prevent items from showing against the desired size filter has been fixed. This issue would arise when item attribute names had been amended. 
    • Fixed the issue where the despatch cut-off time continued to display after the specified cut-off time.
    • Improved the display of custom repeaters for a better user experience.
    • Work to resolve issues where social media preview images were not shown correctly. 
    • The homepage tab title now dynamically reflects the store name set in Cloud MT.
    • Adjusted image padding for a more polished appearance. 

    Cloud MT 

    New Feature 


    • Our latest update includes significant improvements to caching functionality, now triggered in real-time based on changes made in Cloud MT. Specifically, modifications made to the Homepage and Facet Navigation.
    • Cloud MT API documentation now includes a link to a sample project. 

    Bug Fixes

    • Implemented a fix to ensure coupon codes cannot be saved without entering a valid expiry date.
    • Resolved the issue preventing timely updates on item availability within grids.


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