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    Courier Integration - Adding a Service to Shipping Options

    The Courier Integration Module allows you to dynamically manage services on your Citrus-Lime Ecommerce site and within POS when creating a label.

    If you need to add a shipping option for your ecommerce setup and/or for when you book services, you will need to log in to your account on, go to the menu and select Setup Services & Rules :

    On the next section click the Edit / Add services button to take you to a list of all of the currently setup services. 

    To create a new service linked with a courier, you will add this into the top table on the page.

    Click on the New link at the top of the left-hand column. 

    This will open a new row for you to complete.

    Enter the relevant information using the descriptions at the top of the page to guide you. Once all the information has been entered make sure you click the Save Changes link in the bottom right-hand corner :

    If you have ticked 'Show on eCommerce site', the service will appear for your customers in your site checkout — they will see the 'eCommerce Basket Name'.

    If you do not tick this box, you can still book the service when despatching orders in the Point of Sale, but your online customers will not see it.

    This completes the creation of a shipping service. You may now want to refer to this article for more help on shipping service setup.

    If there are any missing services for your courier in the drop-down menu then contact the Support Team to see if they can be added.

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