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    Courier Integration - Overview with Links to Articles

    This article outlines the setup process of the Courier Integration Module with direct links to other relevant articles along the way. It is to be used as a guide for setting up and managing services on, the installation process, and practically using the system within Citrus-Lime Cloud POS.

    What is the Courier Integration Module?

    The Courier Integration Module is our shipping management solution which allows you to dynamically control your shipping through the Citrus-Lime system in one central location. Amongst several of its key features are the ability for you to print delivery labels and manifest batches of automatically compiled consignments, ultimately making dispatch a doddle.

    Courier Details

    Before setting up your account in we require certain details for the couriers that you may use. We will request that you provide us with a list of your couriers so that we can determine whether you can print labels and if so, what account details we will need to set them up. 

    If we don't currently provide integration for your couriers you can still use the offline services in to manage the shipping on your Citrus-Lime Ecommerce website. It may also be the case that integration is in development!

    Setting up Services

    After receiving details for your couriers we will set up an account for you on and provide you with the login details. You will now be able to set up and manage the shipping services that appear on your website and as options for printing labels. 

    The below outlines the stages that you should follow with useful links to articles. It is not essential for you to create rules for all of the below, although it is recommended.

    1. Adding a Service to Shipping Options- this article runs through how you can add the services that you wish to appear on the website and as label printing options. You can also opt to add 'offline services' if a service is unavailable or to manage shipping on your website if you aren't looking to use the label printing facility.
    2. How to Add Countries to a Courier Service- this article runs through how you can manage adding and removing countries from specific services. i.e. adding countries to international services and removing the UK as an option.
    3. Weight Related Pricing and Exclusions- if you have applied weights to items within Citrus-Lime Cloud POS this article shows you how you can add subsidies, price overrides and prevent services from showing up altogether for items of a chosen weight.
    4. How to Create Location Groups- You may want to exclude or create subsidies for certain locations, this is made easier by grouping certain locations as instructed in this article.
    5. How to add Exclusions to Services for Locations- this article runs through how to create rules that will exclude shipping service(s) both on your Citrus-Lime eCommerce site and when creating a label.
    6. How to add Subsidies to Services based on Location- it may be more expensive to ship to the Scottish Highlands & Islands than mainland UK or it may cost more to ship to Germany than France. This article runs through how you can add subsidies to certain locations.

    Live Testing

    Once you are happy with the setup of your services you will need to contact us so that we can complete some further testing. 

    Once we've tested the setup we will contact you to discuss changes or suitable Go-Live dates.

    Automated Tracking Emails

    If you use a MailChimp account with us we can activate an add on called Mandrill which will automatically send an email with tracking information to a customer once you generate a label. The service will automatically send updates to your customer if there is a change in the delivery and a final email once the item has been delivered. 

    At the time of publishing, Mandrill charge £14.99 a month to use this service which will allow you to send up to 25,000 emails. If you would like to use this service please contact us as soon as possible.

    Going Live- Using the Courier Integration Module!

    Once a date has been agreed we will assign time in calendars to switch your shipping options to point to (this will usually take place at your shipping cut off). The shipping options that you have set up will immediately become available on your website and will be visible on your shipping table. We will need to run some further scripts and make some additional changes on this day.

    You can continue to dispatch orders in the usual way.

    The following day we will arrange for one of our support team/retailers to call your store to complete some installations and live testing. They will also provide training on some of the below processes:

    1. Label Printing Application- this will need to be left running at all times, if you do need to restart your computer or if labels are not printing, this article shows you how to re-open the application.
    2. How do I Print a Label and Dispatch an Order from POS- this is the recommended method of printing labels using Citrus-Lime Cloud POS.
    3. How to Track & Reprint Labels- rather than purchasing a separate label you can access already printed labels within, you can also find tracking information (if available) here.
    4. How to Manually Create Consignments- this feature can be used to manually create labels and is great if you need to transfer items between locations.
    5. How to Manifest a Batch- compiles all of the data from your printed labels into batches, this article explains how to close a batch and print a manifest (this will also be sent to the relevant courier).
    6. How to Add Days when I don't Dispatch- this article will show you how holidays can be added so that your eCommerce site takes into consideration days when you do not dispatch.
    7. How to add Estimated Delivery for Individual Shipping Options- you can show an estimated delivery on your eCommerce site for your priority and premium services by following these steps.

    If we are installing Courier Integration as part of an eCommerce or Citrus-Lime Cloud POS upgrade it will Go-Live alongside these products.

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