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    Cloud POS - Adding a Supplier Order Reference to a Purchase Order

    Adding a Supplier Order Reference to a Purchase Order from either the Creation or Item screen

    A Supplier order reference can be added to a Purchase Order from the creation screen or the item screen.

    When creating a new Purchase Order, you can now enter a Supplier order reference allowing a much faster search from the main PO screen when receiving.

    At the bottom of the PO creation screen, you can enter a PO title for your own reference, a Supplier order reference and any remarks you might need to note:

    The Supplier order reference appears in the main PO list and the Goods In list screens, giving you the ability to easily find or filter for a specific PO when receiving stock:

    The Suppliers order reference can also be added retrospectively to any PO in your system in its respective screen:

    It is also worth noting that the ePurchaseOrder functionality will automatically fill this field in with the Reference returned from the supplier, as described in the following article:

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