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    Inter-Store Transfer Functionality

    How do I request stock from another store to fulfill a customer order?

    This article describes the Inter-Store transfer functionality, which enables you to request stock from another store to fulfil a customer order at your store.

    When on Citrus-Lime Point of Sale, you add an item of which you have no stock to the transaction screen, this will open the Stock Notification screen, and you will be able to see the option for Inter-Store Transfer:

    Click this button, and this will open the Inter-Store Transfer window.  This show where you have stock available and gives you a number of options to request that stock:

    In the example above, we can see there is stock available at the Manchester store.  To request this stock we click on the store name and this then highlights the 2 options we have. 

    In this instance we click the Request Stock Transfer From Store button.  This will then let us know the transfer has been created and also change the transaction into a work order:

    We need to assign a customer to the work order so that it can be saved.  We then go through the usual process to save the order, taking any deposit if necessary or just saving if no deposit is required.

    The system will now have created a Transfer Out at the sending store.  That Transfer Out is automatically marked as placed and therefore will appear in the Goods Out section for that store to issue the stock once it has been sent:

    The staff at the sending store will also receive an email to notify them of the new transfer request.  They will then need to issue and commit the transfer:

    Once the stock arrives at the receiving store, the stock needs to be received and committed from Goods In.  On committing the stock, the staff member will see which customer orders the items relate to:

    The customer can now be contacted to inform them of the stock arriving and the stock can be put aside. The rest of the process follows standard procedure for recalling and completing a work order.

    It is also worth noting that it is possible to request an Inter-Store Transfer from the item options on the Point of Sale screen:

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