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    Cloud Reports // What are the different reports?

    A summary of each report and its purpose


    Dashboard Reports

    The Weeks Cover Report
    This report shows you a breakdown of sales and stock over the last 90 days by brand.  It allows you to see the achieved margin, profit and the Weeks Cover (based on current cost on hand and the COGS in the last 90 days).

    Profit Summary By Channel
    This report lists revenue and profits by channel, includes a graph displaying revenue (Ex VAT) per channel.

    Store Dashboard
    This report shows the performance of each of your stores, either a daily view, last 30 days, the current month or calendar year to date. The profit after fee figure assumes a 15% marketplace fee as an estimate for eBay and Amazon transactions (if applicable).

    Empire Dashboard
    This report shows the performance of our business as a whole (all of your stores grouped together), either a daily view, last 30 days, the current month or calendar year to date.  The profit after fee figure assumes a 15% marketplace fee as an estimate for eBay and Amazon transactions (if applicable).

    Year vs Year Growth Report
    This report allows you to compare the previous twelve months sales, against the preceding twelve months of sales, on a store vs store basis.

    Year vs Year Growth Report - Previous Three Years
    This report allows you to look over the last 3 years sales history for the selected store.

    Year vs Year Growth Report - Previous Five Years
    This report allows you to look over the last 5 years sales history for the selected store.

    Day 2 Day Financials

    Breakeven Analysis
    This report allows you to see if you've made enough profit on your sales to exceed the overheads of running a particular store.

    Margin Detail Report
    This report lists each line item sold (detailed sales report), with all the relevant commercial data to assess the profitability of each sale, including the sales channel.

    Watch a video of the Margin Detail Report in use here:  Margin Detail Report 

    Top Performing Items
    This report simply shows item sales performance over the period being reported upon.  By default the report is ordered by profit, so your most profitable items appear at the top.

    Top Performing Items - Low Stock
    This report looks at the top 20% most profitable SKU's in the store and shows any which are going to sell out in the next two weeks.

    Top Performing Items - Detailed
    This report shows item sales performance over the period being reported upon, with greater detail about the channels through which the items have been sold.  By default the report is ordered by profit, so your most profitable items appear at the top.

    Current Stock Valuation
    This report shows your current stock values. You can group by department, season, category and brand by dragging these onto the report, or using our quick grouping buttons above the report.

    Current Stock Valuation - Detailed
    This report shows your current stock values, with greater detail about the items in stock.  You can group by department, season, category and brand by dragging these onto the report, or using our quick grouping buttons above the report.

    Watch a video of the Stock Value Report Detailed in use here:  Stock Value Report Detailed

    There is more information about both of the Stock Value reports here.



    If you have items that are in transit between stores or in your Offline Inventory, these are not included in the Stock Value reports. To account for these items, you will need to run the 'Stock In Transit Between Stores' report and 'Offline Inventory Report', and add the total cost shown on those reports to your Stock Value report.

    Sales Within Departments Report
    This report allows you to filter for Transactions that contain an item from a specific Department e.g. Bike - so you can view the items which were also sold as part of those transactions.  You can filter on the Sale Type field, to see sales with either Multiple lines or Single lines. Non-Inventory items are excluded from the report.

    Sales By Style Report
    This report shows you sales by Style / Matrix grouped together.  Clicking on the 'Detail' link will allow you to view sales by Size / SKU within the style.  The report doesn't include any sales of "single" items.

    Ranging and Planning

    Seasonal Buying Planner - Pro User Only
    This report lists each season and breaks down stock by brand.  It allows you to see the achieved margin by season and brand, and the sell-thru achieved (based on current cost on hand and the COGS in the period you choose in the date selector).

    It's designed to be run at or near the end of a season to plan purchasing, you can highlight which brands had a high achieved margin and good sell-thru, so you can plan seasonal purchases.

    Find Aged Stock - Pro User Only
    This report shows your aged stock values, allowing grouping and drilling down to SKU level.  You can export this into Excel and use this to create a sale pricing import sheet for the retail system.

    Margin by Brand and Department - Pro User Only
    This report provides a similar view of data to the seasonal planner, but with a simpler more margin driven reporting of sales in the current period.

    Stock Turn Optimizer - Pro User Only
    This report shows your progress against the stock turn target defined in the configuration settings.  The report takes sales in a single stock turn period.  For example, if your stock turn target is 3 it will divide 365 days by 3, as such your inventory should be sold through every 121.666666666667 days.  The report then highlights by units, COGS and percentage any areas your business is over or under inventoried.

    Workshop Productivity
    This report provides an effective and simple way of tracking the performance of your workshop staff when billing labour.  It relies on simple targets set in the configuration section of Cloud POS, to show you a productivity figure, and basic information on performance against your daily billing target.

    Productivity is a measure of billed hours, so if your team are "in the workshop" for twenty hours and invoice £350 and your hourly rate is £35/hour, your productivity is 50%.  This model works well for workshops that charge by the hour, but also those which charge by the job (e.g. replacement inner tube £5) as you can compare revenue to the number of hours worked in the workshop.

    Productivity management is an effective way of improving the financial performance of any service business and, in our experience, monitoring and management of productivity leads to significant improvement in the financial performance of the workshop.

    Ecommerce including eBay & Amazon

    CitrusStore Orders
    This report shows the last 5000 CitrusStore sales.  It's designed as a quick way to check performance, or to see if orders are being placed when Google Analytics is lagging behind, which can often happen on busy days.  Generally, Google Analytics is the preferred source for ecommerce reporting.  Whilst it's not 100% accurate at recording all orders placed it has far more advanced website analysis than we could hope to replicate here.


    Customer Reports

    Top Customers
    This report allows you to view your top customers and filter and export this data.  The report excludes Amazon Marketplace customers.

    Who Bought What?
    This report lets you see who bought which items from your store.

    Repeat Customers
    This report shows your customer sales in a given time period and shows which of those customers have purchased from you more than once, you can also see your repeat customer percentage over all time for comparison. 

    Staff Reports

    Average Transaction Value and Items per Transaction
    Provides a breakdown of Average Transaction Value (ATV) and Average Items Transaction (IPT), one of the best methods of assessing the performance of your retail staff.

    Cashier Perfomance
    This report shows your top-performing cashiers by revenue and profit.

    Discount by Cashier
    This report shows which cashiers are posting high levels of discount / sale transactions.

    e-Receipt Data Collection Performance
    This report shows the percentage of transactions using e-receipts, it's designed so you can benchmark the progress of store staff members to collect marketing data. The report excludes CitrusStore (web), Amazon and eBay transactions as these always have email addresses linked to the account.

    Time Clock Report
    Shows the clock in/clock out times of your cashiers.

    Customer Rewards

    This report shows your overall Customer Rewards dashboard.

    Average Transaction Value (ATV) Report
    Shows your Rewards Customers ATV vs. the Overall ATV. This means that the ATV of points-generating transactions is compared against the ATV of all other transactions. This report is not linked to redemption - it only takes into account the amounts tendered. See the Rewards Redemption report for information on redemption.

    This report, specifically the Difference column, will allow you to gauge how well your Customer Rewards scheme is doing over time in comparison to other tenders. Note that you will see variances in ATV, as compared to our cashier-level ATV report. This is expected - we ignore returns and include gift voucher sales in this report.

    Rewards Redemption
    This report shows the value of transactions which have Customer Rewards points redeemed against them. It shows the split between the value (in monetary value) of the Rewards Points used and the value of any "cash"* used.

    * - cash being any other payment type other than points.

    Bonus Points Awarded
    This report shows your Customer Rewards bonus points and the user who has issued the bonus points.


    Cloud POS - Inventory Reports

    Price List
    A price list of all items in your database. Projected Profit (£) and Projected Profit Margin (%) are calculated from the current Cost and Price set against each item.

    Price List - Store Level
    This report is a price list of all items in your database, at store level, and shows the stock, cost, and reorder levels for the specific store the report is generated for.

    Price List - Negative Stock / Negative Margin Report
    A price list of all items in your database, showing items that have negative margin or negative stock on hand.  These are items that need stock corrections or cost/retail price adjustments.  Typically negative margins are caused by suppliers providing pack prices in the cost price field, but unit price in the RRP field.

    Barcode/Alias List
    A list of all aliases set up in your item database.

    Items Without Barcodes/Aliases
    Items in your database without an alias (i.e. barcode, EAN, UPC).

    Serial Numbers List
    A complete list of all serial numbers in your database, both sold and available.

    Item Movement Report
    This report shows you the movement of stock in and out of your business.  It includes Sales/Returns, Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders (in/out), Stock Take adjustments and Manual stock adjustments.

    Positive quantities are stock being added to your system, negative quantities are stock being taken off your system.

    The cost shown is the cost of the item at the time the stock movement happened.

    Merged Items Report
    This report shows you all items that have been merged across your stores, including the cashier that completed the merge.

    Merged Item Code - The item in which all data has been merged to.
    Archived Item Code - The item set to inactive during the merge, where the data has been transferred from.

    Stock in Transit
    This report shows all stock which is in transit between stores, i.e. has been transferred out of one store and has not yet been received at the destination store.

    Stock in Transit - Detailed

    This report shows all stock which is in transit between stores, i.e. has been transferred out of one store and has not yet been received at the destination store.

    Purchase Order Lines Report - Open Orders
    This report shows all purchase order lines from your database. It shows open orders only.

    Unless stated, any quantities are specific to the store the Purchase Order was placed for.

    Purchase Order Lines Report - All Orders
    This report shows all purchase order lines from your database. It shows open and closed orders.

    Unless stated, any quantities are specific to the store the Purchase Order was placed for.

    Transfer Items List - Store Level
    This report shows items that are on open Transfers out of the selected store.

    Offline Inventory Report
    This report shows stock that is in your Offline Inventory and gives you the value of that stock.

    Item Cost Change Report
    This report shows you the cost changes of stock. This includes manual cost changes made on the item card, and changes made using the Revalue Cost wizard.

    Cloud POS - Financial Reports

    Tender Summary Report
    This report shows a summary of all tenders, how much was taken within a batch, and how that compares with the opening/closing amounts.

    Watch a video of the Tender Report in use here:  Tender Report

    Tender Detail Report
    This report shows the details of all tenders across your stores, including the amount taken and who the customer was.

    Note that this report does not include Customer Rewards tenders.

    Tax Breakdown Report
    This report gives you a breakdown of sales based on the tax rate.

    Watch a video of the Tax Breakdown Report in use here:  Tax Breakdown Report

    Outstanding Deposits on Cloud POS Orders
    This report shows the value of outstanding deposits against Orders in your system.

    Drop/Payout Report
    This report shows you all Drop/Payouts which have been made in your store(s).

    Outstanding Gift Vouchers/Certificates Report
    This report shows you all gift vouchers which are Active, have an outstanding balance and are still within the Expiry Date.  You can view the Voucher audit history by clicking on the Customer field and viewing the Gift Voucher tab on the Customer Card in Cloud POS backoffice.

    All Gift Vouchers/Certificates Report
    This report shows you all gift vouchers which have been created in your voucher scheme.

    You can view the Voucher audit history by clicking on the Customer field and viewing the Gift Voucher tab on the Customer Card in Cloud POS backoffice.

    Deposits Moved Report
    This report is for use in Multi-Store environments, and records the value of order deposits that have been moved between stores as the order is moved.

    The report allows you to filter to see deposits moved between specific dates.  The report shows the value moved, the tender which the deposit was paid with and the order details.  If a customer has made multiple deposits against an order (e.g. a Layaway) then there will be multiple records in the results.

    Cloud POS - Sales Reports

    Sales by Country
    This report shows your sales by country, grouped by Shipping Country. This report only applies to orders, not standalone transactions but it does include orders where no country has been set. 

    Sales Rep Report
    This report breaks down your sales by Sale Rep, including any commission earned.

    Transaction Commission Report
    This report shows commission generated, based on Commission Value Bands on the transaction total, for items & categories with a commission value band set against them.

    Workshop Mechanic Performance Report
    This report can be used alongside the Workshop Labour Profits report to track the performance of your workshop staff when billing labour.

    Sales Over Time - Qty Sold - Pro User Only
    This report shows the total quantity of each item sold over a given period.

    Sales Over Time - Financial - Pro User Only
    This report shows the revenue generated by each item sold over a given period.

    Licensed Item Sales Report
    This report shows all sales of Licensed items. The report can be filtered by Store and Date.

    Returns Report
    This report lists all sales lines where the quantity sold is less than zero, including if the return sale was linked to an original transaction and the customer details for the sale.

    Discount Report
    This report shows all sales where the item has not been sold at Full Price, with the Discount Reason which was applied. This includes items which were sold above the Full Price. Note: items where the Full Price is zero (e.g. miscellaneous items) are not included.

    Cloud POS - Customer Reports

    Accounts - Outstanding Credit/Debit Report
    This report shows you all credit account transactions and outstanding balances.  Filter by the Aging field to show any overdue payments.

    Customer Accounts with Balances
    This report shows all customer accounts with a credit/debit balance against them.  Positive account balances mean that money is owed to you (these are shown in red).  Negative account balances mean that money is owed to the customer.

    Account Payment History Report
    This report shows you all account payment history, including Backoffice Adjustments, POS Adhoc Payments, Sales to Accounts and Account Payments.

    All Customer Orders Report
    This report shows the value of outstanding deposits against Orders in your system.

    Order Line Detail Report
    This report shows all order lines and detail for Open orders within your Cloud POS system.  Use the date filters to show orders created within a specific time frame.  Select a specific store or All Stores to see all order lines.  The "Deposit On Order" field shows the total value of the deposit on the order, it is not specific to the order line.

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