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    How does Cloud Reports split sales by Channel?

    Sales channel on Cloud Reports

    A number of the Cloud Reports show the channel that a particular transaction was completed through.

    The system identifies the channel of a sale based on the reference field shown on the completed transaction.  The terms that are used are below:

    Ecommerce / Web Order reference must contain "Web Order No."
    Amazon Order reference must contain "Amazon"
    EBay Order reference must contain "eBay"
    MOTO (Mail order / Telephone order) reference must contain "MOTO"

    The reference field will normally be pre-populated, however it is possible to add the relevant reference in manually if needed.  This can be done by recalling the transaction to the Point of Sale and then clicking on the Actions menu:

    After clicking on the 'Set Comment for Transaction' button, a pop-out box will appear that enables you to add a comment and reference to a transaction.  If you then add one of the references shown above, when the transaction is finalised, it will report to the relevant channel:

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