Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    Citrus Lime Cloud POS API

    The Cloud POS REST API has been created to enable integration to additional software to help your business. The REST API allows data to be extracted from, inserted into and amended in the Cloud POS system. You must read and comply with the API Terms located on the API homepage. 

    A list of all the available operations and API Terms are documented here - 


    The REST API relies on an authorisation key to be passed in the header tag. 

    In order to obtain an API key, you will need to contact the Citrus-Lime Support Team via phone or Live Chat.

    For more information on obtaining an API key, please refer to this How To guide: How do I obtain a Cloud POS API Key?

    Posting Customer Orders / Work Orders

    In order to post customer orders, a property called 'storeClientCode' needs to be populated to determine which store the order will be posted to. You will need to contact Citrus Lime to retrieve the 'storeClientCode' records for your group. 

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