Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 26th July

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect this release. 

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce 


    • V12 address updated on the Finance Calculator.
    • Background database updates in preparation for new Pay Pal integration coming soon. 

    Bug Fixes

    • Salesfire Feeds now support image links for 2nd & 3rd sites. 
    • Back in Stock notifications will now show correct site name for secondary websites. 


    Cloud MT 

    New Feature

    • Preparation is well underway for a new Paypal integration that will be released later this summer. The new integration will use the latest PayPal configuration which will require authorisation from the retailer. 
      • A new configuration page has been added to Site Management in order for retailers to complete the authorisation process. This page includes the links required to complete this process. We have released this page ahead of the new integration going live in order for this step to be completed. 


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