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    eCommerce // Update - 12th July 2023

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect from this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce


    • We have improved the handling of cancelled or changed V12 applications. This allows for the updated reference to be received and enables amended applications to be completed and downloaded.
    • Code for coupon expiration improved for handling different time zones. 
    • Time removed from customers' Order History page. 
    • Further Google Analytics 4 improvements:
      • Improved revenue reporting for multi-sites. 
      • Item View event tracking added to Google Analytics 4 to record:
        • View Item (product pages)
        • View Item List (FAF pages)
        • View Cart (/cart/)

    Bug Fixes 

    • We have prevented parameters from being removed from the campaign URL which caused issues with accurate reporting in Google Analytics.
    • Click-and-Collect-only items will now not be able to be purchased on sites which don't support Click and Collect. 
    • The Stock depth field in the enhanced Google Shopping feed will now use all retailers' stock for calculations.
    • An issue where Cyclescheme restrictions weren't respected due to a trailing white space on the facet URL has been fixed. 
    • Background errors have been fixed throughout the code base. 

    Cloud MT


    • Improved validation for deleting facets to prevent a specific instance where an in-use facet could be deleted.  

    Bug Fixes

    • Corrected date formatting on the Order Line report for US groups. 



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