Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 17th August 2022

    A Citrus-Lime Ecommerce hotpatch is being released today, and will be rolled out to all customers this afternoon.

    This includes the following bug fixes which we consider essential to the reliability and speed of the web platform:

    Bug Fixes

    • Under certain circumstances, items would not display a main image on the item page, this now resolved. 

    • Products which do not have a brand can cause Find and Filter pages to fail to load - this update will deactivate items without a brand set. This change affects a small number of customers and items, and the Support Team will be contacting those affected. 

    • Certain date formats in the reviews section caused intermittent item page load failures; we have made a change in this release to prevent these load failures. 

    • A page generation error when additional images are missing under certain circumstances has been fixed.

    • A display issue where the price of the parent Star Buys item could display the child items price for a matrix item has been fixed. 

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