Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 26th January 2022

    A Citrus-Lime Ecommerce hotpatch is being released today, and will be rolled out to all customers this morning (26th January 2022). This includes the following bug fixes:

    • Delivery option not included on confirmation email
      Delivery option defaulted to "Standard" rather than a named shipping service on credit card transactions which are protected by 3d-Secure. This is now resolved. 

    • Due Dates not set correctly in CloudPOS - All orders which were processed on credit card (and protected by 3d-secure) were downloading with a due date of the current day. This has been resolved.

    • Premium Shipping line item missing from orders downloading into CloudPOS
      When orders download, they were sometimes missing the PREMIUMSHIPPING line item which is used to identify (and therefore prioritise) orders which have been placed on a premium / priority shipping service. This issue is now resolved.

    • Klarna orders cannot be completed in CloudPOS
      Once downloaded, orders completed on your website since yesterday afternoon cannot be completed in CloudPOS. Orders completed after this hotpatch is applied are not affected by this problem.

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