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    eCommerce // Update - 6th April 2022

    Citrus-Lime Ecommerce and Cloud MT new versions are being released on the morning of April 6th, 2022. This will be a staged rollout managed by the Support Team. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.


    New Feature 

    • Shopper Approved integration extended to include product reviews and Shopper Approved survey functionality. 


    • We have amended the checkout to allow for multiple Gift Vouchers to be redeemed online.
    • Continued work to make sites multi language.
    • Added support for flag in Cloud POS purchase orders which allows the items on a particular purchase order to be made available for sale online.
    • Improved error-handling when unsupported card details are entered in checkout.

    Bug Fixes 

    • Customers can no longer over tender combinations of Coupons, Rewards Points and Gift Vouchers in the checkout. Previously a combination of these could result in a negative balance on an order, this is now prevented. 
    • A bug which resulted in an order being downloaded to an incorrect store under some circumstances has been resolved.
    • The Citrus-Lime Ecommerce platform now gracefully handles incorrect (zero) cost and retail prices in the FAF related items section.

    Cloud MT 

    Whilst there have been no visible changes in this release, there has been background work to support the new Shopper Approved functionality. 

    Ecommerce Release Cycle Change

    As we move through 2022 we have massive improvements planned for the front end of Citrus-Lime Ecommerce and we will now slow the release cycle to allow more time for testing and communication of improvements. This will also greatly reduce the number of hot patches and increase the stability of the platform moving forward.

    We will now be moving from a 2-week release schedule to an 8-week release cycle, we will continue to listen to feedback on this cycle and you can provide feedback on the release timings via our feedback forum. 

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