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    Cloud MT // What are the first steps to getting set up on the Amazon Integration?

    If you have an ecommerce site with Citrus-Lime and would like to get set up to use our Amazon integration, the first step is to contact our Success Team, who will be able to discuss adding this functionality with you. You can reach the Success Team through Live Chat, selecting 'Sales' as the department, or by calling on 01229 588628, option 4.

    We would also recommend watching our webinar on the Amazon and eBay integrations:

    Once the Success Team has agreed that you would like to proceed, the Support Team will take charge of your setup. Once a member of the Support Team reaches out to you, you will need to take the following steps.

    NOTE:  At this stage, if you already have listings on Amazon, you will need to remove these before using Citrus-Lime's Amazon Integration, as we do not interact with existing listings. 

    Citrus-Lime's Amazon integration is designed to be used as your sole method of listing items on Amazon once it is live.  Also, we currently only support products of type 'Sporting Goods' on Amazon for new integrations.



    Products without a barcode can not be sold on Amazon, so you should ensure all products to be sold have on Amazon have the correct barcode set in the Alias field in the item record in Cloud POS.

    Setting up your Amazon account

    >  Your Amazon account must be a business selling account.  Once the account is created, it is important to review all settings and ensure the following are set correctly as a minimum:

    Settings > Account Info
    Account information including notification options e.g. email address for order notifications.

    Settings > Shipping Settings
    Set up shipping cost model for Amazon.

    Settings > Your info and policies
    'About seller' text
    Seller logo
    Returns and refunds policy

    >  Apply for permission to sell in a restricted category, if required. Some selling categories are restricted and you need to apply to Amazon for permission to sell in them.  If you wish to sell in a restricted category, you must apply to Amazon for approval by going to their help pages before you will be able to sell. This includes apparel (clothing), which is the most common restriction we encounter.

    >  Your Amazon selling account must also be set up to generate order reports every 15 minutes.  These are the files that we download to create orders in Cloud POS.  If this isn’t switched on in the Amazon account then order download will not work.  See the Related Article for guidance on how to set up scheduled order reports.

    >  You must provide the login details of your Amazon selling account to Citrus-Lime.

    Authorising Citrus-Lime's integration to access your Amazon selling account

    >  In Amazon Seller Central, go to Settings > User Permissions > Third-Party developer and apps (Visit your apps) > Authorize New Developer.  Enter the following information:

    Developer Name:  Citrus-Lime
    Developer ID:  110162050563

    You will then receive an MWS Authorization token that you must provide to Citrus-Lime.  Note: The developer access needs to be re-authorised in Seller Central every 12 months.  Amazon should contact you prior to the expiry date to remind you of this.  Failure to re-authorise access will result in the Integration ceasing to work.

    >  You must also provide Citrus-Lime with your Merchant ID (also known as Seller ID).  This can be found in your Amazon Seller Central account under Settings > Account Info > Business Information > Merchant Token.

    When you have completed the above steps and have provided the necessary details to Citrus-Lime, we will be able to proceed with the technical set-up aspects of the Integration.

    We will confirm with you once your integration is live and ready to use. At this point, the following article will be helpful:

    How do I set up my Amazon categories?

    Setting up your Amazon pricing in Cloud POS

    The Amazon integration will use the lower price from either the 'Price' or 'Sale Price' fields from an item record in Cloud POS.  By default, this will therefore be the same price that the item is currently selling for on your own e-commerce site.

    If you wish to specify a different selling price for Amazon, you will need to set an Amazon Price level on the item record in Cloud POS.

    Guidance on how to do this is provided in this article:  How do I use Price Levels?

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