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    eCommerce // Update - 26th October 2021

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce's new version is being released on the evening of 26th October 2021, and will be deployed to all sites the following morning. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    There are no changes to Cloud MT for this release.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce


    • We have improved our Find and Filter pages to maintain the applied "Reorder" as you navigate around the site. This means that when you navigate to a product from a Find and Filter results page when you go back to this page to continue shopping the selected reorder method is maintained.

    • We have also made it clearer which "Reorder" is currently applied.

    • Error handling has been improved when item validation fails because not all the required fields are populated; for example, when brand is not populated for an item. We now log the cause of the error and a meaningful message is shown on the front of the site to say the product is no longer available and provide a link back to the homepage of the site.

    Bug Fixes

    • We have fixed text formatting issues on the product display page for small devices (e.g. mobiles).

    • A bug which prevented back in stock notification requests being logged has now been resolved, meaning emails will be sent to those who have requested notifications when items come back in stock.

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