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    eCommerce // Update - 16th March 2021

    Cloud MT and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce new versions are being released on the evening of Tuesday 16th March. Cloud MT will be available immediately, and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce will be deployed to all sites the following morning. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Cloud MT

    New Features

    • New Feature Opt-in page added to Merchant Tools

    We are pleased that after successful testing on a number of sites we can now make our updated cart available to all customers. 

    Our new shopping cart focuses on streamlining the shopping cart code, removing old, prohibitive code and pathing the way for future features and improvements. Visually speaking, it's much improved with particular improvements to the mobile user experience. We've held a closed beta test over a period of months to test stability and seen an improvement in both bounce-rates and progression to the checkout.

    With the addition of the New Feature Opt-in page in Cloud MT, You'll be able to decide when to move forward and update to our latest technology. Note: It'll be a one-way setting and once it's activated, you can't roll back. 
    In our 11th May 2021 Ecommerce release, this setting will be automatically activated for all customers. To be clear, this will completely drop support for the current shopping cart and default to the new shopping cart. From this point onwards, the existing shopping cart will not be available, and all sites will use the new cart automatically.


    • Loyalty link functionality removed from Cloud Merchant Tools because it is no longer applicable.

    Bug Fixes

    • Back in stock email requests can now be added in Merchant Tools without error;
    • Spelling correction on Amazon page;
    • A bug preventing Cloud POS Configuration details displaying in Merchant Tools due to incorrect Mailchimp API has been fixed.


     Citrus-Lime Ecommerce

      New Feature

    • Additional PayPal security information now provided to Cloud POS, meaning retailers can identify uncleared payments when they are being processed in POS
    • Support for Multiple images with SIM Auto Activation


    • International orders now visibly strip the VAT in the checkout 
    • Improved Logging for eBay and Amazon integrations. Improvements in consistency of information to assist Helpdesk in providing support for clients. 
    • Further improvements to Error Logging 
    • Removal of redundant code
    • Improvements made to the Mailchimp integration:
      • Product Browse filter information now uploaded 
      • Basket Abandonment image link improvements made, meaning images of items should be available to be used by Mailchimp
    • "Despatch" now consistently used, rather than "Dispatch" (included in previous hotpatch)
    • Website Contact form improved to prevent spam
      • Spamming on button click prevented
      • Rate limited meaning 2 minute wait time before user can use the contact form again

    Bug Fixes

    • 0% Finance option no longer shown incorrectly on product page when not available due to profit margin of the product
    • A bug charging incorrect postage on some Amazon orders has been fixed 
    • A bug preventing some item images being displayed in Cart V2 has been fixed
    • Multicurrency display can now be switched off on request in Cart v2
    • Work to prevent occasional duplicate item records
    • Duplicate Meta description for Blog content has been fixed
    • Ecommerce link now supports items being deactivated online when deactivated in Cloud POS (this change was made ahead of release) 
    • Extra facets in URL no longer cause an error when Size Filters used 
    • Typo on Terms & Conditions page has been fixed 
    • Removal of redundant code for previously used navigation. This has fixed a bug where a site would incorrectly pick up on this code and revert back to a previous navigation
    • Error fixed in checkout when proceeding from Cart V2 for Click and Collect only item

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