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    eCommerce // Update - 19th January 2021

    Cloud MT and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce new versions are being released on the evening of Tuesday 19th January. Cloud MT will be available immediately, and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce will be deployed to all sites during the following morning. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime Ecommerce   


    • Payment processing reworked to improve supportability 
    • Where a single option applies for either Delivery or Click and Collect, that option will now be preselected. Reducing the number of clicks needed through the checkout.
    • Improved code understanding of base language of site
    • Redundant code relating to previous versions of checkout removed to improve robustness and supportability
    • Improved the courier dispatch lead time calculations which resolves a sporadic issue whereby some customers were given inconsistent delivery lead times in order confirmation emails

    Bug Fixes 

    • A bug where not all applicable fields would show when reviewing order on mobile has been fixed 
    • An entire order can now be paid for with a gift voucher 

    Cloud MT

    New Feature 

    • At the request of customers we have added the ability to provide custom canonical URLs to facet navigation records. This will aid in endeavours to manage website SEO.


    • Improvements made to save feedback message, will now only be shown once all save actions have completed.
    • Error saving a change to customer in Cloud MT has been fixed
    • Rework of validation to allow improved testing of related database objects
    • Added support for PayPal 'Completed_Funds_Held' response - encountered mainly on new PayPAL accounts
    • "Tax on delivery" field removed from Delivery and Handling Options - having this field enabled resulted in orders not posting to Google Analytics so this has been removed and is no longer supported

    Amazon Stock Feed

    • The Amazon stock feed used to update every 4 hours from 0700 - 2300. It now updates every 90 minutes 24 hours a day.  

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