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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 1st September 2020

    DLL's released 1st September. Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Please note: from this release onwards, both the eCommerce and Cloud MT updates will be released every other Tuesday. This allows us to synchronise changes between the two platforms.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    New Features 

    • Filters stick to the left of the page - remaining in view as you scroll down the Item Find & Filter page; 
    • Thumbnails and Video Link visible on product listings.


    • eBay Listing - allowing the stock to be set to 0 rather than the listing ending; 
    • Code improved to improve site performance; 
    • Activating an item with 0 price will no longer generate an error.

    Customer Rewards

    Work has begun to overhaul our Customer Rewards engine. Customer Rewards is an important tool for retailers both online and in-store, and we are investing in keeping this product up to date.

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates


    • Bulk Coupon Creation now possible when creating a new coupon (Max 2000 per bulk creation): 
    • Option to filter by the filters already applied added to Item Filter Quick Apply:
    • Added support for multi-site Navigation Set Up;
    • Feedback added when attempting to delete an image but further permission set up required;
    • Validation added to item set up - Brand is now a required field; 
    • Export to CSV added to Order Lines Report.

    Bug Fix 

    • Delete confirmation added back onto grids;
    • Inactive in Season calculation corrected;
    • Improvements to adding items to colour group code.

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