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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 19th June 2020

    New DLL's are now available. Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    These changes are applied to each website individually when fixes are required.  They will be tested and signed off for use week commencing 22nd of June.

    New Features 

    • Payment selection method reworked throughout the checkout.  Available payment methods now selected in the basket with the option selected ready when you arrive on the payment page:


    • Work to improve site start up speed;
    • eCommerce link updated to remove unused field.

    Bug Fixes

    • Delivery quote bug in basket identified and fixed; 
    • Fix implemented for item ordering on Find and Filter pages.

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates

    We are continuing to develop our own planned changes into Cloud Merchant Tools (Cloud MT), alongside working on feedback we are receiving from our group of test clients.  These changes are made live for all customers on Friday, June 19th.

    New Feature

    • Order Summary Dashboard added to provide quick insight into how your website is performing, making quick comparisons to previous months trade.


    • Continued migration of grids to use improved performance code: Quick View Stock Status, Amazon Planner, Inactive Items, Coupon Usage Report, Click & Collect orders, Order Summary, DPD pickup report, Item Search for Colour Group, Item selection on Wizards (Note: as part of this work some columns have been removed, they will be added back in the next stage of this work);
    • Grid filtering options reduced to only be applicable to the column being filtered (for example, a text field does not require a Greater Than > filter);
    • Grouping of data removed from grids: Coupon Usage, Order Lines and Order Summary;
    • Facet Navigation validation improvements; 
    • Export functionality added to the eBay planner ;
    • Cache manager added to Google categories to improve performance; 
    • Additional guidance added for embedding a video link for an item:
    • Small design changes to Star Buy set up on Item;
    • Guidance added to Low Stock Notifications & Requests to explain what is required for the changes to be saved;
    • Work to improve speed of Customer List.

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